Чат, это старость, если вместо #Stigmata и #AMATORY хочется слушать #NautilusPompilius и #МашинаВремени ?
#Stigmata выступала у Маргулиса на квартирнике!
#bürgergeld #grundsicherung #erwerbslosigkeit #stigmata
„Welche Folgen die Stigmatisierung von Arbeitslosen hat
Das soziale Stigma, das noch heute mit Arbeitslosigkeit verbunden ist, beeinträchtigt Betroffene oft schwer. Der Blick „der anderen“ verändert ihren Blick auf sich selbst und verringert damit auch die Chancen auf eine erneute Beschäftigung.“
Al Jourgensen Inks Deal for Final Ministry Album
Al Jourgensen and Paul Barker together again.
It's like I'm in high school listening to my buddy's Stigmata from a dubbed cassette on my boombox as loud as I can stand while my parents aren't home.
@AndreSolo Thinking about it, I would compare it to #Stigmata. Good idea, made a bit lessor by jazzing it up.
Stigmata (1999) Available April 2
#horror – #horrormovies – #Stigmata – #DarkSkyFilms – @darkskyfilms – A young beautician begins to experience the stigmata–the five wounds of Christ–in this scary, visceral thriller. STARRING: Patricia Arquette, Gabriel Byrne, Jonathan Pryce, Nia Long …
#horror #ad #Releases #Stigmata
Nail him to #thecross for three days. If he comes back we’ll all be #believers.
It should be a #totalbreeze for him. After all, he already has the #stigmata
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: the window in the chapel of St Francis of Assisi, Seville Cathedral (1556). It shows Francis on mount La Verna - receiving the stigmata from a six-winged seraph.
-- St Padre Pio, or, a Case Study in Catholic Cults of Personality --
(from Kevin Nontradicath)
Stigmata (1999) (Import) Available December 15
#horror - #horrormovies - #Stigmata - #UmbrellaEnt - When a young woman becomes afflicted by stigmata, a priest is sent to investigate her case, which may have severe ramifications for his faith and for the Catholic Church itself. STARRING: Patricia Arquette, Gabriel Byrne, Jonathan Pryce, Nia Long, Thomas Kopache
I've had "Jesus cysts" on my wrists for as long as I can remember; my dad & his brothers all had them too.
In the past couple of years, a third one has grown on my right foot, in another crucifixion spot.
Should I go ahead and apply for #Sainthood now, or wait until I have a full set of #stigmata cysts?