Allerfeinstes Demowetter steht bevor
#StandWithIsrael #Leipzig #LeipzigLeben #le2203
Allerfeinstes Demowetter steht bevor
#StandWithIsrael #Leipzig #LeipzigLeben #le2203
Sa,22. März israelfeindliche Gruppen rufen in Leipzig zur bundesweiten Demo auf, angeführt von Terrorunterstützern des #BDS Netzwerks, das #Israel' s Existenzrecht ablehnt. #bringthemhomenow #releasethehostages #Antideutsche #Antifa #SupportIsrael #noputin #putiniranalliance #againsthamas #Antideutsche #Antifa #standwithisrael #jewslivesmatter #russiaisaterroriststate #hamas #againstislamism #freeukraine #afdverbotjetzt #Autonomen #againstislamism #FreeIran #againstputin
Aufruf zur #Kundgebung
"sei a Mensch" - #Nürnberg gegen JEDEN #Antisemitismus
Sa, 22. März 2025, 16:00 am Nürnberger #Hauptmarkt, IHK-Gebäude
Gehen Sie mit uns zusammen schweigend bis zum #Kornmarkt, wo ab 17:00 das Hauptprogramm der Kundgebung beginnt.
#seiaMensch #NbgStehtZuIsrael #Solidarität #Geiseln #BringThemHomeNow
#Run4Lifes #StandWithIsrael #Israel #DeutschIsraelischeGesellschaft #BündnisGegenAntisemitismusNürnberg
#FreeGazaFromHamas #RapeIsNotResistance
Daniel L. Davis is a retired United States Army officer. He was one of the earliest military officers to publicly criticize the War in Afghanistan.
Davis is a Senior Fellow at Defense Priorities, a Foundation of the Koch brothers.
Davis was selected by Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard for appointment as deputy director. On Wednesday, the Jewish Insider magazine ran a story against Davis ; neoconservative radio jock Mark Levin helped spread the Jewish Insider story to his 4.9 million followers; within hours, Davis was informed there would be no job.
Air Canada’s flight map erased #Israel and labeled it "Palestinian Territories." This is not a mistake—this is erasure. #FuckCanada #NoSuchThingAsPalestinian #StandWithIsrael
Herzliches Beileid den Angehörigen.
#hamasmörder #standwithisrael #terror #israel
Tot übergeben werden sollen laut Hamas unter anderem auch die Körper von zwei am 7. Oktober 2023 entführten Kindern und ihrer Mutter. Dabei soll es sich um Schiri, Ariel und Kfir Bibas handeln. Über ihr Schicksal - alle sind auch deutsche Staatsbürger - herrscht Ungewissheit.
Long read: British rule in Palestine during the 1920s and 1930s enabled Zionist colonisation at the expense of Palestinians.
A.Bustos, "How Britain supported Zionism and prevented Palestinian freedom": @palestine @histodons
Hebrew is as resilient and undestructable as the state of Israel.
Respect to all you Hebrew learners and Israel supporters out there.
We always come out the other side, with a clear conscience
To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to do #StandWithIsrael
Na endlich
Die ersten Geiseln scheinen frei zu sein!
Here is the kicker - if you don't know you are being manipulated, you will believe something that has little to do with truth and justice. Do not take whatever is written in #Wikipedia for granted. And #StandWithIsrael
"BBC staffers reveal editor's 'entire job' to whitewash Israeli war crimes"
at The Cradle:
An internal @eu document may strip European foreign ministers of “plausible deniability” in Israeli war crimes in Gaza, experts said:
Besonders berührend fand ich eine Installation aus Videos einer Vielzahl von verschiedenen jüdischen Menschen, die jetzt in Deutschland leben, teils andere Muttersprachen sprechen, konvertiert sind, religös oder nicht religiös sind, als Kind den Holocaust erlebt haben, zugewandert sind.
"Mesubin" - die Versammelten - der Regisseurin Yael Reuveny.
Wir schulden ihnen allen Sicherheit, Solidarität und Anteilnahme.
#niewiederistjetzt #GegenjedenAntisemtismus #StandwithIsrael
Das nennt man dann wohl Auszeichnung. Wie man darauf kommt, mich, als Ultradeutschen zu betiteln, ist mir ja irgendwie schleierhaft. Ultraal(l)mann ja, aber nicht Ultradeutsch. Aber diese Melonenköpfe sind nicht die hellsten.
#StandWithIsrael #FreeGazaFromHamas
These are our soldiers.
They are our teachers, doctors, high tech engineers, artists...
They are our fathers, daughters, cousins, uncles, and even grandparents.
We are all IDF. That is Israel.
"Spreading fear and silencing
"As it silences and threatens to sanction any dissent against Israel, its apartheid system, and its crimes against humanity as antisemitic, it is obvious that the government and parliament intend to spread fear of being branded antisemitic, being criminalised and persecuted for expressing your opinion as a basic individual citizenship right.
"From the very beginning of Zionism in the late 19th century, #Germany has joyfully and wholeheartedly embraced what Theodor Herzl offered to the “West”.
"By demanding support for the Zionist movement from European powers, he submitted the offer that in Palestine the Zionists would “form a portion of the rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of #civilisation as opposed to barbarism”.
"God’s chosen people":
The German state has bound its own re-birth into the “realm of civilized nations” through a particular protective relationship with the figure of the Jew, where (always Jewish) Israelis are a prime embodiment of Jewish life.
"As long as the figure of the Jew remains a medium through which German post-unification identity is articulated and experienced, the performance of Jewish collective difference and political agency will be exclusively relegated to the State of Israel. The figure of the Palestinian, as well as Palestinians’ political subjecthood and demands for equality will, in turn, be addressed as either an annoyance to be ignored or a threat to be criminalized—rather than as a crucial prism through which the multiple layers of legitimatized moral violence in Germany have to be recognized."
Hannah Tzuberi & Nahed Samour in 2022:
Hebrew is as resilient and undestructable as the state of Israel.
Respect to all you Hebrew learners and Israel supporters out there
We always come out the other side, with a clear conscience