i was finally asleep when the neighbours were being loud (again) in the middle of the night and now i cant sleep. #neighbours #wtf #sleepless #insomnia
i was finally asleep when the neighbours were being loud (again) in the middle of the night and now i cant sleep. #neighbours #wtf #sleepless #insomnia
well, i cant go back to sleep #sleepless #insomnia
awake the whole night with a bad heartburn making fenneltea right now #fennel #heartburn #chronicillness #sleepless #spoonie
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Pour toutes Commandes personnalisées ou autres questions n’hésitez pas...
It's in the #middleofthenight . No, I am not #sleepless , thanks to the Gods. But it seems I slip very easily into the ancient and very vital role of the #keeperoftheflames : the oven needs wood or the house will get #cold. Very cold. It is an #icy wind blowing outside. #sleepwell and warm and #safe , everybody out there!
seems its gonna be a sleeplees night... #sleepless #insomnia #cow #miniature #tiny #emotionalsupportplushie #plushies
The feeling you know something is wrong with a loved one at a distance. Do you have that too? #bloodynervous #sleepless
well, sleepless again.... #sleepless #insomnia #mentalillness #cats #comfortitem #actuallyautistic #weightedplushie #plushies
she's so cute! she became a huge #comfortitem to me already. i cant sleep again, oh well, but she's here to help. #sleepless #insomnia #cats #plushies #AuDHD
wir gehen auf nen Trödel,
und suchen einen Taschenofen,
in den das Nachglimmen vom Congress passt.
Ich hab Angst,
wir verlieren uns im Mycelium,
bevor sich der Fruchtkörper bildet.
Während ich lerne
dir die Seele wieder rein zu pressen,
summst du:
verschlungen ist auch nur
verwirrend von innen.
Ein Traum am Lagerfeuer,
gegen den Alltag gebürstet,
schlafen zusammen gerollt.
Man sagt,
an guten Tagen bin ich,
Unfuck yourself,
steht auf dem Schraubenschlüssel
der ins Getriebe fällt,
das Karussell im Kopf
Dein Bauch blubbert, dein Herz pocht
mein Bauch blubbert, mein Herz pocht.
Wohin wir auch gehen,
wir tragen Welten in uns.
kann einem auch eine Frau ohne Gebärmutter
ein zweites Leben schenken.
Woke up thinking about bang paths. It must be serious
@Starcade #YouveGotMail along with #SleeplessInSeattle are 2 of my favorite #RomComs. The team of #TomHanks & #MeganRyan channels #SpencerTracy & #KatherineHepburn. Wish they did more movies together but these 2 were it. Both were directed by #NoraEphron.
In order fully appreciate #Sleepless, you've got to watch #AnAffairToRemembr with #GaryGrant & #DeborahKerr because #Sleepless references to much. #Affair wasn't a RomCom -- it was much more "dramatic" than that -- but it laid the ground work for the many #ChickFlicks (& I do not use that term disparagingly) & #RomComs to come.
Went to sleep at 4am .. awoken at 6.45am by this guy, who is not here for the low-key thundery sky we have right now. FML .. and thank goodness he is cute and there is coffee!