All the publicspaces 2023 #pubconf2023 conference videos are now on this one page -
All the publicspaces 2023 #pubconf2023 conference videos are now on this one page -
"Les communs numériques nous offrent une occasion unique de soutenir la souveraineté numérique européenne"
Alexandra van Huffelen @avhuffelen ministre du numérique des Pays Bas #PubConf2023 @publicspaces
Et si on peut la suivre sur #Mastodon c'est parce que le gouvernement des Pays-Bas vient d'ouvrir sa propre instance.
Simply one of the best talks I have heard about the race and the future internet. At #pubconf2023
Ruha Benjamin takes us into the world of biased bots, altruistic algorithms, and their many entanglements, and provides conceptual tools to decode tech promises with historical and sociological insight.
She also considers how race itself is a tool designed to stratify and sanctify social injustice and how technology can be used toward liberatory ends.
All the #pubconf2023 Publicspaces 2023 conference videos on peertube
Now I can see all the ones I missed from my house, happy to know I was there!
De foto's van #pubconf2023 zijn LIVE! Blik terug op een fantastische derde editie. Met veel dank aan Yvette de wit van Studio HER
Bekijk alle foto's hier:
Do you already follow @publicspaces? I recommend the notification bell, they seldom publish. Except now (one week after #pubconf2023 - where you get a glimpse of the digital public spaces of the future). Once a year all these notifications are a good reminder 1) if you missed the conference, 2) if you couldn't divide yourself into small multiples during the conference or 3) where you can find the videos to share them with your friends you've been hyping about for a week now! :D
Last weekend I was at the Public Spaces conference #pubconf2023. The closing keynote was really interesting. The speaker, Eli Pariser, made the comparison between real life public spaces and digital spaces.
One fun remark that stood out to me about the difference between a park and social media, is that in a park you usually don't walk up to a stranger to immediately start convincing them of your most controversial political opinion.
The bigger thesis was quite insightful for community building online. And it nicely tied into some other talks from earlier on the day.
Thank you @wtebbens for the invitation to the very inspiring conference @publicspaces For a Collective Internet.
@framaka presented how the french ministry of education supports the development of digital commons during a round table entitled "Value-driven Education: Free from Big Tech".
An appointment for the future on a European scale.
cc @X_net @dosch
@laurensvhg Zeker, en dat wordt zeer gewaardeerd! Maar #pubconf2023 liet goed zien dat er meer gaande is. Hoop dat jullie er volgend jaar ook bij zijn.
Was aanwezig bij geweldig inspirerende #PubConf2023. Ben blij dat ik weer hoorde over kunstenaar Julia Janssen en ... weet nu ook dat Mastodon hoort bij #fediverse
@elipariser really enjoyed your closing keynote at #pubconf2023 today. Only surprised you didn't mention Richard Sennett as well when you talked about inspiring sociologists and the analogies between digital and urban spaces. Librarian greetings
Looking back on 3 fantastic days at #pubconf2023 in Amsterdam. My highlight was the video message from Minister for Digitization Alexandra van Huffelen for the session on building digital commons.
She stressed the importance of investing in digital commons for Europe's digital sovereignty & the need for a public digital infrastructure fund. In the session that followed, this conviction was echoed by representatives from ,
, so there is a real opportunity to make this happen here and now.
De techwereld jaagt de gewone burger soms de stuipen op het lijf.
Kan het anders? Bij organisaties met een publieke taak wordt achter de schermen heel wat werk verzet om het internet en de digitale infrastructuur meer van en voor die burger te maken.
Ik heb de afgelopen dagen op de PublicSpaces-conferentie veel gezien en gehoord over hoopvolle en inspirerende ontwikkelingen. Zoals PubHubs, de Fediverse en in Vlaanderen publiq .
Dat mag best in de krant, @laurensvhg
3 possible new values for @publicspaces ?
As promised—here’s Andre Brock’s work that I cited in my talk re “weak tie racism” #pubconf2023
More info about this session and the rest of the #pubconf2023 programme available here
No more's from @elipariser's leaving keynote at @publicspaces
No more empires.
No more landed gentry.
No more neighborhood watches.
No more digital populists.
We're almost at the end of #pubconf2023, with an amazing keynote of @elipariser.
You can watch it live on PeerTube:
Eli is talking about #democracy, #ComminityStewards, #DigitalPublicSpaces and #IntersectionalModeration!
@elipariser as closing keynote at @publicspaces #pubconf2023
“Eli, Why are you doing publicness in one of the least ‘public country’? Eli:You need public spaces to create a base democratic experiences with influence and agency, also in digital spaces”.