Three additional bugs were squashed in the latest #TestFlight build of DataOrganizer, the bento-esque personal database.
#MacDev #macOSDev #AppDev #IndieDev #IndieApps #soloDev #filemaker

Three additional bugs were squashed in the latest #TestFlight build of DataOrganizer, the bento-esque personal database.
#MacDev #macOSDev #AppDev #IndieDev #IndieApps #soloDev #filemaker
"Visible on Launch" being enabled by default on new window nibs is weird and trippy for me, especially because I always fatalError the init?(coder) initializer.
Has it always been this way and I just copy and paste files a lot so I forgot?
A new #TestFlight build of DataOrganizer is now available.
DataOrganizer is a bento-esque personal database.
This build fixes an issue where moving certain items using drag and drop, such as fields in a form, would place the relocated items in the wrong place. This would sometimes be followed up by a crash.
#MacDev #macOSDev #AppDev #IndieDev #IndieApps #soloDev #filemaker
Hey so I'm available to help on your iOS/macOS project (or just do it for you). Could start whenever you’re ready.
Quickly but finally threw together a "What's New" view for Fox after all this time. It doesn't open automatically or anything, but I think it's nice to have. Also makes use of this dumb button that did nothing on the project picker sidebar for a long time lul.
Also, these are the things coming to Fox 2.3.0—hopefully Monday at the latest and via TestFlight today!
I must say, I'm having a whale of a time implementing automation in my app. I'm simultaneously doing AppleScript and Intents/Shortcuts, and it's a blast.
Automatically getting Siri support via Intents is pretty neat, although I'm unsure how useful that is.
It's also pretty neat that this 20 year-old book is still very useful.
I released another #TestFlight build of DataOrganizer, a personal database.
This build eliminates a crasher that would sometimes occur after control / right clicking on a library’s cards list to display the context menu.
#MacDev #macOSDev #AppDev #IndieDev #IndieApps #soloDev #filemaker
Error messages? Not so much fun, but important nonetheless.
So. If you try to generate a video contact sheet of a file format or codec that #NeoFinder 8.8 currently doesn't support, you will now get a proper error message.
Fvckkkkkk yesssssss. Multiblock paragraph styling for code blocks lets gooooo!
Today’s undying hatred goes to whichever corporate decision makers at Apple decided that getting Xcode previews to work properly wasn’t worth investing effort into.
With bonus hatred for their same unwillingness to invest effort toward having usable error messages when previews crash.
#MacDev #MacOSDev #iOSDev
We are seeking to recruit a Senior iOS Engineer to work on some of Ireland's most popular mobile applications, &
Offering the flexibility to work from home, remotely (within the EU) or providing visa & relocation assistance to Ireland, this is a great opportunity for someone who has a passion for building phenomenal iOS experiences. #Swift #SwiftLang #iOSDev #MacDev #iOSDevJobs
A new #TestFlight build of DataOrganizer is now available.
This small update changes the color of the links in the help book, as they were difficult to read when dark mode was enabled.
yezzzz for anyone else faced with the “would like to access data from other apps" while using your own container:
1. Update to Xcode 16.3 beta
2. Delete provisioning profiles from machine (see the beta notes here for the path: Make sure to hit both locations!
3. Rebuild to download profiles or do it from Xcode settings > accounts. group.* should be included in the macOS entitlement.