Cold to go cause I forgot to hot!
#Kerbal Space Program

Cold to go cause I forgot to hot!
#Kerbal Space Program
New #blog post: A KSP Design Log
1545 words
Whoof, I haven't blogged in a whole month! I'm 10 blosts behind where I should be for the year!! Time to get my mojo back!!!
cc: my wonderful #chorus: @joel @dm @sotolf @thedoctor @pixx @twizzay @orbitalmartian @adamsdesk @krafter @roguefoam @solusspider @clayton
(I will happily add/remove you from the chorus upon request! :)
Saturn V-4X(U) Staging
#boeing #nasa #ksp
Time to play some #KerbalSpaceProgram.
Today's hare-brained idea: Make a space-faring learjet.
Not a spaceplane. A totally normal-looking learjet with jet engines ONLY that has mostly-recoverable appendages for boosting it up into orbit, and RCS/OMS (maybe a Terrier for the OMS, puff engines are mad inefficient).
But once it re-enters, it shouldn't be distinguishable from a totally ordinary learjet once the RCS/OMS pods have jettisoned and parachuted down to the KSC. ;)
One of the difficulty is that while the mk2 parts are more heat-resistant and spacious (like a learjet), they don't look like a learjet, so I don't think I can use them. I'll have to stick with very BBQ-prone mk1 parts. But I do have one trick up my sleeve that I'll allow some rule-bending for: a single non-functional rcs port at the very nose of the plane to shield the cockpit from excess heat during reentry.
cc: @amin
"The Odyssey by Bill" videos on YT by Bradley Whistance really feel like alternate-history WWII #NewsReels when viewed in #grayscale mode.
cc: @amin
Aiming at the ground and trying to miss!
#Kerbal Space Program
We have talked a lot about Kitten Space Agency lately. But does Rocketwerkz, the studio behind the potential KSP successor, have the DNA to build a fun space game?
I tried their older titles, Icarus and Stationeers, to find out!
Check it out here:
been really enjoying #ksp. it's good stuff. recently put a satellite in keostationary orbit, and landed on minmus
I've got quite a few mods so it looks pretty and has extra parts
Saturn V-4X(U) The Beast
ペイロードは100万ポンド以上のサイズですっぽい。 #ボーイング #NASA #KSP
This has to be the most versatile craft I have built so far.
The radiation shield is mostly cosmetic, the game doesn’t simulate engine radiation.
While Kerbal Space Program 2 was in development, Take-Two tried to shove an NDA down my throat for preview access to the game. I had to refuse, because the terms were just crazy.
Here's how it went down!
Today's progress in #KerbalSpaceProgram was the addition of the science module to the Kerbin Space Station, consisting of the science lab, the cupola, the observation window, a telescope, and the port experiment boom. The former space station core is now a functional scientific space station, even if the starboard experiment boom is still to come.
So I've never actually really completed a space station in #KSP. I did but I immediately abandoned the playthrough because things didn't line up, wouldn't line up because Sony is very anti mod and I played console. Today I finished my first space station. The KISS ( Kerbin International Space Station ) is crewed and ready to go. Meanwhile while waiting for orbital maneuvers and completion we chilled back on Kerbin.
Little known fun fact I made that flag for my KSP campaign. TSP is short for Taylor Space Program but it's also short hand for Table/Tea spoon. I added the ESSL because it seemed spacey and like it could be a space program and I could think up an acronym but it's actually a silly joke. A Tablespoon is an Eßlöffel in german E SS L. I made a cook pun!
#gaming #space
been having a lot of fun in ksp lately, fun missions have been occuring :3
Oops… retrograded a bit too late. Ended with a *Kerbal-style* crash!
#KerbalSpaceProgram #SpaceFails #KSP #SotoGaming
@thatfrisiangirlish said the couple that mods together stays together. I want to give a little background tho. When I was very little my parents were a macintosh family and that led to us being console gamers until I met Tally, really.
I'd had a friend who's father built him a PC that was so far beyond anything I had ever played. In a time of defragging and RAM in the MB but still. It was something I had always wanted to do with a friend or partner but never got around to so we built one.
I got into modding largely because of my wifish. Learning to mod KSP and Skyrim and some of the games I play that ae doesn't and therefore can't help with. She's watched me deal with configs, load order, and error upon error until now I am a modder of my own rite. The fact that we can put our talents together to make mod lists is a little touching tbh. Here are some images from my playthrough of #KSP. It's a great game tbh if you want challenge but no combat. It's like the dark souls of orbital mechanics and Oxygen not included is the dark sous of HVAC.
#gaming #pc #ksp
If there’s such a thing as a *beautiful* crash landing, I just nailed it in *Kerbal Space Program*!
#KerbalSpaceProgram #CrashLanding #SpaceFails #KSP #SotoGaming
Pulled off a nice, soft landing on *Minmus* with the spaceplane! Smooth as ice.
#KerbalSpaceProgram #MinmusLanding #SpaceSim #KSP #SotoGaming