Time to...
release the kraken! Time to...
release the kraken! Ha, such transparent propaganda bullshit.
Seen the latest escalating threats of the ghoulish #CCP regime against supporters of #Taiwan's #independence, it's good to know that #China has zero jurisdiction or say over free, sovereign and democratic Taiwan. Always keep in mind that #TaiwanisnotChina and to #fucktheCCP. #Asia
While #China's ghoulish CCP tries to eradicate all memories, we all know what happened on #June4th 1989 on #TiananmenSquare. And yes: We WILL keep the memory alive and honour those bright young folks murdered by the #PLA on order of #DengXiaoping.
By refusing to take responsibility for this #massacre, the CCP signals that it would do the very same thing again.
Recommended read:
#unforgiven #unforgotten
In his auguration speech, #LaiChingte called on Beijing to return to normal relations and negotiations.
Ghoulish bully #China has answered with military exercises dubbed #JointSword2024A practicing an #isolation of #Taiwan.
This is yet another escalatory move by a power that tries to sell itself as a safeguard of #peace and #stability in the #Indopacific. It clearly is not.
#TaiwanisnotChina #FarEast #Asia #fucktheCCP
Funny how tankies like @marce completely ignore that only #China routinely threatens to use force to annex #Taiwan while the latter only wants to be left alone and live in peace.
I will never understand the reasoning of tankies, most likely because I never had my spine or decency removed.
#TaiwanisnotChina #fucktheCCP
Unsurprisingly #MadElon's platform of trolls and hatred delivers a shitload of posts with the hashtag #loongyear. So much #CCP #propganda on a platform that is blocked in #China, makes you think about a thing or two, right?!
By the way: the connotation of dragons as mean and evil is rooted in Western #mythology and has zero connection to anti-Asian or anti-Chinese hatred. That is utter brainrot.
So feel free to call it the #YearoftheDragon.
So the latest #CCP hogwash is to brand "the Year of the Dragon" as "racist".
Good is bad, war is peace and freedom is slavery. #XiJinping can shove his thought up his ass.
It's #LunarNewYear for me, it's the #YearoftheDragon for which I wish all the best to all good people (not CCP minions, mind you), and #TaiwanisnotChina.
By the way, seeing the Spring Festival TV show of #China's state-run media go full militaristic is very telling of the plans of the ghoulish CCP.
Seeing #Beijing puppet and senior #HongKong lawmaker #ReginaIp go on #madElon's wacko network and spread unhinged #conspiracytheories about " a black hand orchestrating #LionelMessi's no-show at a friendly game of #InterMiami in HKG to humiliate both the city and #China" is key cringe.
FFS how thin can the skin of Chinese nationalists be, how fragile can their hearts of glass get?
Go get some self-esteem you full-of-shit #CCP minions!
#glorytoHongKong #fucktheCCP
@davidonformosa Maybe #Messi's hamstrings had heard of that ham-fisted announcement of chief executive #JohnLee's police state before that footsie game and cramped up in #Hongkong. Who knows?
#standwithHongkong and #AgnesChow #fucktheCCP
At the #MassifCentral event location in #Frankfurt, they had a small room dedicated to the #Hongkong protests. Good people, great cause! #FarEast #standwithHongkong #fucktheCCP #civirights
The insanity continues. Apparently, the piano is back, but some Hong Konger played on the piano "Glory To Hong Kong" and posted it to his #YouTube channel. YouTube deleted his entire account saying he is in violation. WTF?!? #FucktheCCP
This is fucking insane! This guy #BrendanKavanagh who is a piano player and live streams himself playing at public pianos around London, is approached by a CCP TV channel that was watching. They realized he is recording video and told him Chinese law prohibits him from recording in public. Thing escalate and the Chinese handler tries to turn it into a race/sexual assault thing. #FuckTheCCP
A new generation of #Taiwan|ese that identify as #Chinese? That's a big bet likely to fail miserably.
#China has no incentives or soft power to win over the hearts and minds of people used to #freedoms and #civicrights.
The share of people in Taiwan who identify as Chinese is eroding and dying away. The share of people identifying as Taiwanese only is steadily on a rise. Strangely people seem to prefer freedom to slavery...
#fucktheCCP #TaiwanisnotChina
So much talk about a so-called #troublemaker. This is an ongoing smear campaign by #China's ghoulish #CCP against #LaiChingte aka #WilliamLai as #Taiwan's elected next president.
It's no surprise that an authoritarian regime does not understand #democracy. But it should not be relevant for anyone else but said regime. Keep in mind that the real troublemaker in #FarEast is Beijing. #fucktheCCP #TaiwanisnotChina
In the run-up to #Taiwan's presidential and legislative #elections to be held on Saturday, #China's Ministry of State Security is going into #fakenews overdrive in its bid to interfere with these elections.
As of Tuesday, more than 100 nearly identical videos had been uploaded to YouTube since Sunday...
... adding that all of the uploads had single-digit view counts.
Thanks to their shoddy quality, these videos have minimum reach.
Less than one week to go for the NATIONAL #elections in #Taiwan.
Yes, you read this right: Taiwan is a NATION and its DEMOCRATIC.
Chinese intel be like...
#TaiwanisnotChina #fucktheCCP
Seeing #AlJazeera referring to the national #elections of January 13 in #Taiwan as a "poll" makes my blood boil.
Of course #Qatar does not know about #democracy or #civicrights. But belittling Taiwan's elections as a poll means pretty much following #China's #propaganda text book. Because the ghoulish CCP hates nothing more than seeing people of Chinese ethnicity deciding about their fate and matters of general interest in a disciplined, orderly and democratic way.
#TaiwanisnotChina #fucktheCCP
As the #elections get closer in #Taiwan (9 days to go, to be precise), #China is ramping up its antics to intimidate and bully the #democratic nation.
All these #balloons being sent into the nation's ADIZ and across the main island are a clear provocation on behalt of #Beijing.
If it were up to me, I'd intercept any balloon entering the airspace proper of Taiwan, analyze the crap out of its sensors and send it back to #Zhongnanhai with some pineapple cakes.