#fediHistory #fediDocu
> HIS story of #satireSpotlights
What do you mean @erio7,
the #realSatirePur moments in @jesuisatire's #fediLife?
Like, HIS responsibility for the first urgent over night role out of a blocking feature (seriously!) in the #fediVerse, because HE tried to have fun with a troll who didn't had enough #selbstIronie in his ego, nor respect for the decentralized system or the community, showing of in the worst irresponsible manner possible?

Or the #meanwhile incident, when "diaspora.com.ar … on it’s quest for the #holyTroll meet jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ" and called for the first time in #theFederatedHistory for a instance wide blocking of a distant user profile, wondering how to implement that in the code, telling HIM to quote: "¡stop being ironic!", with the admin writing an extense howTo defend yourself from a troll opEd, while HE already was trying to snip away users by writing takes like:
#federatedlearning, #hola #Argentina @Elcammarota
"About how to interpret a profile in the internet and why it can be useful to give #whiteHatTroll's ( as described by @linuzifer ) a chance."
HIS april fools censorship! prank conversation that hit the cord?

Or the moment HE upset @lizzischmidt with HIS #opEd in Englisch promoting her German #sundayGimp movement by stating "they even are arrogant enough to invent new hashtags" and she took it serious?
That post nearly ended a friendship and the whole community had to come to the rescue to translate and state the obvious.
Like to say:
"Even @deusfigendi kann das bezeugen".

We wonder if you are aware that you are talking about THE ONE who wrote the first draft of the #TSGDC more than 13 years ago, a take that actually could need some refurbishment, spellcheck and renaming to #TSGFC (The Sporial Guide to the Fediverse Cyberspace).

Well, actually we think HE is best when HE shows of with HIS 144 character bilingual or trilingual tweete takes like:
"German for #newBees leasons, because they have a word for everything."
(Ok, that one was really what he is all about, kinda selbstentlarvend. In other words, for a member of the #MUH a little bit to dangerous perhaps)

Anyway, please don't make us remember old wounds, scares and stripes, we came a long way already ..
.. and be assured, @requeteChe
was right when he stated from the get go:
ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ jeSuisatire, sounds like a typical bastard!
@_elena @satire