Tupac is a friendly, playful pup who is working on learning his manners. If you think you could be a good fit for this handsome guy, set up a meeting with FAAS! https://alamedapost.com/features/alameda-life/too-cute-tupac/
Tupac is a friendly, playful pup who is working on learning his manners. If you think you could be a good fit for this handsome guy, set up a meeting with FAAS! https://alamedapost.com/features/alameda-life/too-cute-tupac/
#Alameda vehicle security system #tabbycat #cat #notmycat #catsofmastodon
In this week's Letters to the Editor, Kevin August responds to a previous letter regarding Fernside Blvd's designs and expresses support for the long-term vision of the street. https://alamedapost.com/op-ed/letters-editor-03-21-2025/
A comprehensive Settlement Agreement with the City that includes an improved noise management plan, along with addressing other community concerns surrounding Oakland Airport’s Terminal Modernization and Development Project, has been unanimously approved. https://alamedapost.com/news/noise-settlement-agreement-reached-oakland-airport/
The March 18 City Council meeting went past midnight due to a controversial discussion. Karin K. Jensen reports, "Fifty public speakers expressed strong opinions on whether the City should form a sister city relationship with the village of Wadi Foquin in the Palestinian Territories." https://alamedapost.com/news/council-addresses-controversial-sister-city-proposal-fernside-oak/
Congratulations to the Alameda Post's Managing Editor, Kelsey Goeres, who has been recognized as one of Editor and Publisher magazine’s 'Tomorrow’s News Trailblazers!' "It’s the new form of their annual salute to '25 Under 35,'" explains Adam Gillitt. https://alamedapost.com/op-ed/alameda-post-editor-named-tomorrows-news-trailblazer-editor-and-publisher-magazine/
Jeff Smith's Math Puzzle for March 21, 2025 - Waiting on the alfalfa tea and Newton’s law of cooling. https://alamedapost.com/features/puzzles/math-puzzle-for-march-21-2025/
In Episode 146, Scott Piehler's topics include: A marathon City Council meeting, Alameda and OAK come to an understanding, the city takes action against a landlord, did you feel the earthquake? latest real estate sales, spring musical season, plenty to do this weekend, and reduce plastic waste. https://alamedapost.com/features/podcast/alameda-postcast-for-03-21-2025/
Ruta del Clima
Boca de Metro Atarazanas, viernes, 21 de marzo, 16:00 CET
¿En qué me está afectando el cambio climático sin saberlo?
¿Cómo puedo solucionar el problema en mi casa, mi calle, mi barrio...?
Inscríbete gratis en menos de un minuto en rutadelclima.es y ven este viernes a descubrirlo.
De 16:00 a 17:30 (inicio: boca de metro Atarazanas. Málaga)
The Prosecution and Public Rights Unit of the Alameda City Attorney’s Office has filed a civil enforcement action against landlord Mingli Wang, alleging repeated and extreme violations of housing laws. Alleged acts include harassment, vandalization, and provoking physical altercations with tenants. https://alamedapost.com/news/city-prosecutor-charges-local-landlord-harassment-fraud/
The Kiwanis Club of Alameda honored nine exceptional eighth graders at its 27th Annual Hope of America Awards luncheon on March 12. The students, their teachers, and their families attended the event at the Elks Lodge in Alameda, with a total of 72 people present to celebrate. https://alamedapost.com/features/alameda-life/kiwanis-club-honors-exceptional-eighth-graders-hope-america-awards/
The City of Alameda Rent Program has adopted Rent Control Ordinance Regulation 25-01 to ensure compliance with rent control laws while balancing fairness for tenants and landlords. The regulation outlines steps for landlords to correct invalid rent increases without facing excessive penalties. https://alamedapost.com/news/city-sets-rent-reimbursement-policy-increases-violate-rent-ordinance/
The sun is shining, the flowers are starting to bloom, and it’s a great time to invest in your hobbies—without leaving the island! This week's community calendar offers opportunities for breadmaking, cosplay, golf, gardening, and some Alameda history. https://alamedapost.com/features/alameda-life/all-around-alameda-hobbies/
Seagull and Goose discuss the real estate market in this installment of our weekly strip drawn by Alameda cartoonist, Brice. https://alamedapost.com/op-ed/two-birds-03-20-2025/
On March 11, the AUSD Board of Education discussed student growth in reading and math, as well as upcoming curriculum changes to elementary school literacy. Ken Der explains Star Reading and Math assessments, as well as AUSD's approach using "Student Growth Percentile" ranks as assessment tools. https://alamedapost.com/news/ausd-board-gets-read-literacy-math-efforts/
Karin K. Jensen attends EBMUD Ward 5 Director Jim Oddie’s Meet and Greet to learn more about where our water comes from, what happens to wastewater, and how EBMUD is preparing for natural disasters. https://alamedapost.com/features/alameda-life/new-ebmud-ward-5-director-jim-oddie-addresses-water-concerns/
Is your house prepared for an earthquake? The Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB) program offers California homeowners money for bolting and bracing your home’s foundation in order to limit possible earthquake damage. You may be eligible for up to $3,000—sometimes more, depending on your situation. https://alamedapost.com/news/feel-earthquake-house/
Realtor® Liz Rush shares listings of the properties sold in Alameda from March 4-17, 2025 including size, asking, and sale price. https://alamedapost.com/features/real-estate/properties-sold-alameda-march-4-17-2025/
Grab your reusable containers—Alameda has a refill shop! Replenish Marketplace at 1503 Webster Street is ready to restock your shampoo, laundry detergent, hand lotion, makeup, and more. Founder and owner Laria Pippen talks with Jean Chen, "My passion is about waste. I hate waste.” https://alamedapost.com/features/alameda-life/replenish-marketplace-brings-low-waste-refill-shop-alameda/