Long day; short time for writing today - only a couple hundred words, but I kept the streak going.
Long day; short time for writing today - only a couple hundred words, but I kept the streak going.
Another 600 words before a busy day today.
I knocked out my 500-word minimum word count this morning, and will likely be tied down the rest of the day with yard work (we still aren't cleaned up from our hurricane and they're already having another over in the Southeast!).
I wrapped up a tricky scene today. I'm probably going to need someone with deeper knowledge of post-traumatic stress to read over it at some point.
I knocked out 700 words before work today.
More important, I sat down and thought about where all this is going. It's equal parts encouraging and demoralizing to see how much editing needs to be done on what I have.
But little by little!
Another day when it appears my writing will only be in the early morning and on my lunch break (this evening will be busy).
Even so, I broke the 1400-word mark again, much to my delight. I've realized I need to set the stage a little better before I jump into the tricky scene, so I'm doing that.
I'm also going to need to update my outline, because I am way over the word count I'm supposed to be at by this point in the story.
Today was another morning-only day - 700 words and not yet to the scene I've been dreading (and looking forward to...it's complicated).
I hit the 1400 word mark and wrapped a scene I'd been alternately looking forward to and dreading since I realized what the plot was going to be. I'm halfway into the next scene, after which will be, easily, the most difficult scene I'll ever write but the one on which the entire plot hangs.
So no pressure tomorrow or anything.
I didn't have time to post yesterday, but I hit 1066 words - specifically that number. I was triggered; some of us aren't over that yet (Harold Gōdwines sunu! Endenehsta Cyning Engla!)
Today I just beat my 500-word minimum, largely just on my lunch break (and I won't have time after).
It might not be fast, but a little bit everyday helps me to keep thinking about the story, chewing over ideas that might work until I hit the ones that will.
Yesterday was another full day with just a few sentences. That's three more sentences than I had when the day started, though!
Today I wrote another 1000 words on a psychologically intense scene (that is definitely going to take some editing to get right).
I find I'm writing a lot more now that I'm making an effort to post my progress every day. Accountability, even to the void, helps.
Light day today...I added one or two sentences to yesterday's total, really just to get something down. It was my wife's birthday, though, so I had more important things to do.
#AmWriting ...but only just! #aSftN
Today I wrote more than 3000 words (that's a *really* big day for me) and passed two other milestones: seven days in a row getting *something* down and 50,000 words on this draft in total.
In other words (if you trust my outline): wo-ah, we're halfway there, wo-ah:
Yesterday I just barely beat my goal of 1000 words. I finally finished the scene that had been plaguing me...and jumped straight into another scene that wants to stay in my fingers.
I may jump ahead to another fixed point in the narrative and let this one simmer a little, but I'm not to that point yet.
I hit 700 words today - I expect I'll need to cut most of them when I get back to editing, but they'll do for now. As a friend would always say, "anything worth doing is worth doing badly at first."
I wrote just over 500 words yesterday. Little by little; maybe more today!
Today I wrote just over 600 words.
That's behind my ideal pace, but it's ahead of my 500-word minimum. This last scene has been a slog, but it's getting there.
Today I wrote just under 1400 words. I hope to reach 1700, so that my two-day average would be at my 1000-word goal, but I'm still delighted to have gotten so far (and I *like* these words, too).
It was a good day.