@moonshinebrigade O, and I needed to hear this song as well again. #TuneTuesday
Follow-up to #TuneTuesday #TrainingMontage
This is not one of the more up-tempo songs on the album "Off the Wall," but often this song had the exact right rhythm that I wanted.
It's the Falling in Love / Michael Jackson
After jumping to the beat, it's now time for tunes we play while exercising #TrainingMontage
This song sure helps you going, it's like audio coffee:
Bad Habit #TheOffspring
For #TuneTuesday it is #TrainingMontage -- songs to exercise or work out to.
When I was actually using my treadmill, this whole album was in regular rotation. I remember once saying, when I was going through a rough patch, "Michael Jackson is going to get me through this."
Workin' Day and Night / Michael Jackson
And after I've exercised, I usually cool down to They Might Be Giants #TuneTuesday #TrainingMontage
The only montage #Music that you need:
#TuneTuesday #TrainingMontage
Team America - Montage:
#tunetuesday with #TrainingMontage ...
Well, i don't train. But If i do, it would be something like this.
Carpenter Brut - Turbo Killer
Today's #TuneTuesday theme is #TrainingMontage which reminds me that I should probably get back to that whole working out thing. Three of my picks:
The Dandy Warhols - It's a Fast Driving Rave Up With The Dandy Warhols Sixteen Minutes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Irm944VcJnU
Prince - Let's Work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fX0k9qsTHY
Combichrist - Kickstart the Fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbo5gnm6_eg
@Kitty @HauntedOwlbear I am a runner, and my fave tune to pound the pavement to is Kashmir by Led Zeppelin! CRAP! I feel like running now that it is stuck in my head...
Today's theme: the tunes we play while exercising
Republica – Ready To Go
#TuneTuesday theme today is #TrainingMontage
I always listen to Commando by Finnish electro royalties Imatran Voima, when I'm at the gym! Which is pretty rarely. ;) But this is the song that get's me in action mode every time! Love it!
For today's #tunetuesday theme of music to get ripped to:
Municipal Waste - Beer Pressure
Lifting beers from the table to head height counts as exercise, right?