Órale creo que al fin encontré un verdadero reemplazo para el legendario CCZE que he usado toda la vida para ver logs, aunque está hecho en Rust , un binario de 5M vs otro de 48K , pero bueno todo sea por colores bonitos
¿uds conocen algún otro colorizador de logs?
TaleSpin (1990-1991) Retrospective/Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBoe50-U0mM
Tailspin: A log file highlighter:
Falls ihr ein kleines Werkzeug sucht, um eure Logdateien unter #Linux farbiger zu gestalten, sei euch #tailspin empfohlen.
Standardmäßig werden Datum, Zahlen, IP-Adresse und anderes farbig markiert. Wieder mal ein nettes Tool in #rust
Cc: @leyrer
#Adele #singing ‘#DontRainonMyParade’ in final #CarpoolKaraoke sends the #gays into a #tailspin: ‘She devoured that’.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQIA #Entertainment #Music #Society #Representation #Culture
Wired: ADS-B Exchange, the Flight Tracker That Powered @ElonJet, Sold to Jetnet https://www.wired.com/story/ads-b-exchange-jetnet-sale/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Business/Transportation #Security/Privacy #censorship #AirTravel #Security #ElonMusk #Tailspin #privacy
ADS-B Exchange, the Flight Tracker That Powered @ElonJet, Sold to Jetnet - ADS-B Exchange, beloved for resisting censorship, was sold to a company owned by private ... - https://www.wired.com/story/ads-b-exchange-jetnet-sale/ #business/transportation #security/privacy #security #tailspin
For sure my life was in a tailspin
Failing business
Struggling marriage
The future hurtling towards me
Then, with help of my co pilot,
Grabbed the stick
And slowly
Pulled myself out of it
Now I can see the horizon.
Watching Saturday morning cartoons,
one of the great joys of my childhood.
The name escapes me, Disney, Baloo,
he was a pilot flying a plane of wood?
Cereal dribbling down my chin, a burst
of saccharine colored O's as I laugh
wholeheartedly, the villains do their worst.
Cool Baloo, never bothered by half.
CRT buzz fills the void of a blank screen.
The show fades out, commercials fade in.
Remembering it now is like lurking in a dream
that's a rerun of Tailspin.
Wild flight manoeuvres,
a sky full of fire,
Her great love: Paul.
I found the hour
of the fighter plane shootings
on the internet.
Mother was long dead then.
And also non-Paul: my father -
his lifetime
compared to the missing
and found wanting.
And yet both men had been aggressors
in their time.
How could the lived
nightmares of Paul
find their way
into my subconscious,
the fear of flying
into my life,
which seems
like a constant downward
Self Portrait
For some reason
The world looks different
To me
Than it does to most.
Perhaps it’s point of view
Or perspective
Outside looking in
Then inside looking out.
Out of step,
Not in sync.
Wondering if everyone
Can tell
That it takes
So much energy
Trying to appear
The round peg.
Avoiding the nosedive.
Preempting the tailspin.
Making sure at the end of the day
I still have both ears.
#mastoprompt #smallpoems #poetry #poems
#tailspin @tanweerdar
"Simultaneously apply
The opposite rudder and
Neutralize the stick."
I just broke my brain.
I will be alone in a dark room
For an indefinite period.
This happens when you
Operate delicate equipment
With the wrong manual.
It didn’t take much to send him into a literal tailspin. A loud noise, the wrong food, waking early. She kept her distance when that growl started low in his throat.
Boyfriends didn't last the chaos. Except Tom. But she could read the signs.
Intervention came on a Saturday morning. Tom arrived with muffins, coffee and a pamphlet. ‘I love you, Jen. But things can’t go on like this. I’ve enrolled you, me and Tailspin in Doggie Rehab.’
The start of the year,
Tailspin of emotions,
Windows still filled with
Coloured lights on the
Seventh day. No-one
Wants to let go of the
Light in these dark days
When only illusion says
They are lengthening,
While the sky glowers
Sunless over the ruins
Of humanity.
R 07/01/2023, 17:11
Tailspin, a turning point in our lives
But I'm ready to hold on and survive the dives
So here's to new beginnings, and second chances
To moving past our tailspin, and finding our balance
With you by my side, I know we'll be okay
Tailspin, let's make a brand new day.
Debris stifled a sigh. She had enough to deal with without a dragon in a #tailspin.
"It's not the worst thing in the world, Alex". She put a plate of ham and eggs in front of him. "I know it feels like it is."
He looked up through curly red hair, his utterly human face devastated. "But I can't shift AT ALL. I'm stuck being a BOY".
Debris smiled gently. "Haven't you seen the way the rest of us do it? I have a dress that should fit. I'll help you with your makeup".
By pride, does fate’s subtle mask truth belie,
hid ‘neath comely, wax plumage righteous flaw.
For man’s conceited gaze toward envied sky,
and hubris us, toward fiery fall, will draw;
As Daedalus’ poor son was deemed to die,
cast forth from heavens to Earth’s hungry maw.
So too shall we, on failing wings, lament
Our wretched ego in tailspin descent.
#MastoPrompt #SmallPoems #TailSpin #OttavaRima #Poem #Poetry #Writing #ego
(Painting: "The Flight of Icarus" by Jacob Peter Gowy c. 1636)
Neurospicy tailspin
a word, a breeze, a sound no one else can hear
a smell that no one else notices
and suddenly "out of nowhere" rage and grief and everything too much
too much
too much
Breathing one more time.
Yeah. I'm okay.
Thank you.
So far down the whirlpool,
That infinite spiral, I can't
See the top of it any longer,
On this interminable swift
And terrible fall, I remember
The definition of it, and the visions
Of biplanes and Spitfires in
Flames, crashing into solid
Ground, but there is none
Below me, and I don't know
What's down there, death
Or redemption, or just nothing.