Book Review: Take Off Your Pants: Outline Your Books For Faster, Better Writing by Libbie Hawker
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Book Review: Take Off Your Pants: Outline Your Books For Faster, Better Writing by Libbie Hawker
#ReaderCommunity #ReadingCommunity #BookCommunity #Reading #Books #BookReview #Review #Outlineing #Pantsing #PlottersAndPantsers #Plotting
@jessekelber All I know about #pants is that an acquaintance calls them "leg prisons". How does your #pantsing relate to leg prisons? (Have I sufficiently pantsed my question, "What is pantsing?")
Now reached 2.6k in my current WIP and unusually, I feel quite pleased with it. Don't know if it's any good but fuck it, I don't particularly care at this point! #AMWriting #scifi #Pantsing
Just shy of a thousand words yesterday, writing a new WIP that is less of a #screenplay and more of a #shortstory. No idea what we're doing but let's see what happens. #AmWriting #Pantsing
If you're a pantser, you might relish the freedom of not knowing where your story is headed. But have you ever hit a wall and wished you had a plan to fall back on? How do you navigate those moments of uncertainty? #writingprocess #pantsing
When I started writing again after a long hiatus, I was all discovery writer. I'd sit down with a blank page and see what popped into my head. It made for interesting work, but also for a lot of incomplete stories.
These days, I tend to have an idea of what I want to write, what sort of character I plan to write about, and where I want a story to go. I still leave room for discovery, but I've learned that I need some direction to help me finish things.
#IndieAuthorNews #BeInspired #5ChangesImMakingToMyWritingProcessThisYear #writinggoals #Plotter #TheWritersLife #writingprocess #WritingSuccess #Pantsing #WritingHabitsandPractices #WritingGoals2023 #Panster
5 Changes I’m Making to My Writing Process This Year
Editor Michael Woodson reflects on past writing ups and downs and lists five changes he's making to his writing process this...
I have been totally pantsing Maddux Book VII, but the ending came to me this morning where before I'd had no idea. And I'm so excited about it. Sweetness!
Well I did it. I finished book 2 in my new as yet to be released series yesterday. 3k yesterday, 21k in the past 5 days, and 105k in the book. I’m super excited where I left it off. I strayed from my plotting self and pantsed the last half of the book, destroying my neatly crafted outline. But I went where the characters wanted me to. Book 3 is gonna be fun, but I’ve got book 6 in #DarkNebula to write first.
I've reached the point where I'm not even reading what I write, just typing and hoping for the best #AmWriting #Writing #pantsing #WritingCommunity
There’s a lot of writing advice that I’ve been trying to follow but my brain is wonky. I’m just going full-on pantser and not writing in linear fashion. My brain cannot do it. Maybe that’s been my problem all along. Haha
#screenwriting #pantsing #AmWriting
83k words in, 17k more to go, and I have NO idea how I'm going to bring this book to where it needs to be when it's finished. I have my mark to hit for book 3, and we're a mile off from there. Man have I destroyed my outline this time around. I'm discovery writing with my pants off!
Strangely, though, it feels good. The words are flowing and really like how the characters are evolving.