Academy “Refused” to Publicly Support Hamdan Ballal, Says ‘No Other Land’ Co-Director
#MovieNews #Movies #International #Israel #Nootherland #Oscars2025 #Palestine

Academy “Refused” to Publicly Support Hamdan Ballal, Says ‘No Other Land’ Co-Director
#MovieNews #Movies #International #Israel #Nootherland #Oscars2025 #Palestine
Una serie que pudo cambiar Star Wars
La presión ante la creación de nuevos espacios en el universo Star Wars obligó a su cancelación #CinemaGizmo #SeriementeCine #Movies #News #Cine #Podcast #Noticias #Series #PermanenciasVoluntarias
4 Films Like Evil Dead With "Dead" or "Evil" in the Title! (#Link Below)
#horror #horrorFam #writing #writer #writingCommunity #writers #Movies #movie #cinema #cinemastodon #Film #films #filmmastodon #horrorCommunity #horrorMovie #horrorMovies #horrorFilm #horrorFilms #horrormastodon
#article #listicle #list #read #reading
#funny #Humor #life
Nel cuore della Londra vittoriana, il piacere femminile diventa... un effetto collaterale medico.
"Hysteria" non è solo una commedia storica: è una critica affilata, una risata amara, un vibratore che rivoluziona la medicina.
Sì, hai letto bene.
Una riflessione sul potere, il corpo, la pseudoscienza e le paure degli uomini.
Spoiler: le donne non avevano nulla da curare.
Leggi la recensione completa qui sotto.
#hysteria #filmstorici #movies #frenologia #emancipazione
Picked up some movies in Criterion's recent flash sale, and continued filling in my collection with some of my favorites.
Having a bad day? Go watch this charming movie about a little shell named Marcel. It's so incredibly sweet. I'm now planning on naming all the shells in my shell collection as soon as I find my emergency googly eye supply.
What should we watch for next week #EuroKino
Movies released on March 26:
Tommy (1975)
The Money Pit (1986)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
'There is a bit of me in lots of the characters I create' -
Misericordia director Guiraudie on his tale of the unexpected #film #movies #cinema #Misericordia
'X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes' is the best movie about x-ray eyes and the men who have them that you could watch.
Full ★★½ #Review on #Letterboxd:
#Movies #ScienceFiction #Horror
From: blenderdumbass . org
I don't think you think of Science Fiction often when thinking about Lars Von Trier. Yet, his 2011 masterpiece Melancholia is one of, if not the best, science fiction film(s) ever.
The Blair Witch Project (1999) #Movies #Horror #BlogFiredrakeOrg
It's Wednesday, it's movie review blog day! This week:
#SnowWhite #TheAltoKnights
#Movies #Reviews #MovieReviews