LOL. Fuck you, stooge!
Chief justice Roberts warns intimidation and violence risk judicial independence
LOL. Fuck you, stooge!
Chief justice Roberts warns intimidation and violence risk judicial independence
Clarence Thomas Faces Recusal Call From Democrats After Wife's Comment
Story by Kaitlin Lewis
September 10, 2024
"Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have called on #SupremeCourt Justice #ClarenceThomas to recuse himself from cases involving a religious legal group after his wife reportedly thanked the conservative organization for its efforts to block Supreme Court reform.
"Thomas, a conservative appointed by former President #GeorgeHWBush in 1991, has been one of the justices at the center of calls for court reform after it was revealed that he has accepted millions of dollars in gifts from some top #RepublicanDonors without disclosing the items and #LuxuryVacations to the court. Questions of Thomas' impartiality were also raised after his wife, conservative activist Ginni Thomas, pressured officials to overturn the 2020 election results in favor of former President Donald Trump.
"Investigative outlet #ProPublica first reported last week that #GinniThomas recently praised conservative legal group #FirstLibertyInstitute in an email to the firm's president and CEO, Kelly Shackelford, for the organization's work in opposing change to the High Court."
#ArrestGinniThomas #ImpeachClarenceThomasYesterday #ImpeachJusticeThomas
#ScotusIsCorrupt #SCOTUS #ErikPrince #January6 #HeritageFoundation #Project2025 #Blackwater #Academi #Theocracy #Fascism #CriminalizingDissent #CorporateColonialism #SLAPPs #BigOilAndGas #StandWithStandingRock
Our Senator Sheldon Whitehouse writes:
“And of course, Ginni Thomas is a direct beneficiary of the Billionaire Gifts program (“another $25k for Ginni”).”
this should be a much bigger story, and impeachment proceedings should have begun against Clarence Thomas.
I’m amazed this isn’t getting greater attention from the press.
“Ginni Thomas Privately Praised Group Working Against Supreme Court Reform: “Thank You So, So, So Much”
In a call with donors, First Liberty Institute’s Kelly Shackelford read the supportive email he said came from Thomas. The leader of the religious-rights group also labeled Justice Elena Kagan “treasonous” for backing a stronger ethics code.”
#impeachclarencethomas #arrestginnithomas
@DemocracyMattersALot When he and Alito die from shame, I can't wait for "reasons why we must not fill SCOTUS vacancies before an election, or ever"
-- that is, not like rocketing Judge Barrett onto the Court in the last vile days of tRump.
ImpeachAlito ? Hey, mix me up one of those !
@rbreich and has he actually declared these "gifts" in his taxes? #SCOTUSCorruptus #clarencethomasiscorrupt #ImpeachClarenceThomas
This is just a great political guide. I read it the week it hit the stands. It stuns even the well-informed.
#ImpeachClarenceThomas #ImpeachAlito #ReformSCOTUS
grifting Clearinghouse Thomas, should be prosecuted. imho
our newly immune president should see what about that flex
Yeah, the Fix has been in for a while now.
Insurrectionists stick together after all
#ClarenceThomas & #SamuelAlito still sitting on the #SCOTUSIsCompromised
#ImpeachClarenceThomas #ImpeachAlito #SCOTUS6 #AileenCannonIsCorrupt still a sitting federal judge. #Trump crimes cartel operatives.
About time! “President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.”
#SCOTUS #SCOTUSReformNow #ExpandTheCourt #JudicialEthics #ImpeachClarenceThomas #ImpeachSamuelAlito #Election2024
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changes - The Washington Post
WHY ISNT #MSM #MSNBC talking about THIS ????
#ClarenceThomasIsCorrupt #SCOTUS #ImpeachClarenceThomas
Rep. AOC introduces a resolution to impeach U.S. Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.
The truth is half the Supreme Court is corrupt and enabling a fascist, so anything is possible with them. #ImpeachAlito #ImpeachClarenceThomas
#impeachJohnRoberts #impeachSamAlito #impeachClarenceThomas #impeachBrettKavanaugh #impeachNeilGorsuch, they all lied to the Senate during their confirmation hearings.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas received millions in gifts over 20 years, group says
by Dan Morrison
June 7, 2024
"#SupremeCourt #JusticeClarenceThomas has accepted more than $2 million in gifts over the last 20 years, according to a new analysis, far eclipsing the value of those received by his fellow justices.
"A report released Thursday by the advocacy group #FixTheCourt said the value of 93 gifts to all of Thomas’ fellow justices between 2004 and 2023 were totaled $248,000, while Thomas alone received 103 gifts worth $2.4 million.
"In addition to that haul, Fix the Court flagged another 101 'likely gifts' to Thomas worth nearly $1.8 million stemming from free luxury travel and lodging he received from #billionaire #HarlanCrow and others."
#ScotusIsCorrupt #SCROTUS
#SCOTUS #ImpeachClarenceThomas
#ScrotusSunday #ErikPrince