Like how Kirk hangs on Sulu's shoulder to guide him in shooting at the Klingon ship. T'Pol learned to do the same thing with Travis Mayweather in #Enterprise. I saw it as a sign of her leadership abilities and the crew's trust in her. #MeTVStarTrek
Like how Kirk hangs on Sulu's shoulder to guide him in shooting at the Klingon ship. T'Pol learned to do the same thing with Travis Mayweather in #Enterprise. I saw it as a sign of her leadership abilities and the crew's trust in her. #MeTVStarTrek
New Minifigures in the house!!!!
Star Trek - Enterprise Crew
#lego #afol #afob #klemmbausteine #startrek #enterprise #minifigures
2/28: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
Great line up tonight! Who can resist Janeway cosplaying?!
TOS (8ET): The Cloud Minders
TNG (9ET): When the Bough Breaks
DS9 (10ET): The Jem’hadar, Part 1
VOY (11 ET): Bride of Chaotica
ENT (midnight): Dawn
#blackhistorymonth #startrek #uhura #richarddaystrom #mbenga
#theundiscoveredcountry #admiralcatwright #iman
#thenextgeneration #laforge #worf #guinan #kurn #commandersirol #maejameson #silvalaforge
#firstcontact #lilysloane
#deepspacenine #sisko #jakesisko #josephsisko #kassidyyates #calvinhudson
#voyager #tuvok #startrekbeyond #krall
#enterprise #mayweather
#startrekdiscovery #burham #joannowosekun #drpollard
#startrekpicard #raffimusiker
#lowerdecks #ensignmariner #CaptainFreeman
#strangenewworlds #nyotauhura @trekcore
2/27: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
Pretty good line up tonight. DS9, VOY, and ENT are some of the best, but I'll showcase VOY for its dark mystery!
TOS (8ET): The Way to Eden
TNG (9ET): Too Short A Season
DS9 (10ET): Tribunal
VOY (11 ET): Latent Image
ENT (midnight): Catwalk
89% of Enterprise GenAI Usage Is Invisible to Organizations Exposing Critical Security Risks, New Report Reveals – #rssfeedpostgeneratorecho #CyberSecurityNews #TheHackerNews #enterprise
Ahh I love Star Trek before it was Woke /s
Currently wanting the ENT Episode where they are...Quite Subtly, found at an internment camp for the Not Evil members of the Evil Race We Made For The Plot and now must reconcile our preconceptions
Not saying ENT is perfect, sigh, Terrorism Arc, Gender, Berman. But TOS...for it's day...yikes
2024 phishing trends tell us what to expect in 2025 #socialengineering #enterprise #Don'tmiss #Hotstuff #phishing #Prodaft #Kroll #News #SMBs
You[.com] ARI: Professional-grade AI research agent for businesses #ari #enterprise #agents #ai #tech #news #technology
Having finished DS9 a few weeks ago, I decided to start watching Enterprise.
I didn’t really watch it when it aired & wasn’t impressed with the bits I’d seen since.
I’ve just finished season 1 and…
it’s actually quite good
#startrek #enterprise #whoknew
Having finished DS9 a few weeks ago, I decided to start watching Enterprise.
I didn’t really watch it when it aired & wasn’t impressed with the bits I’d seen since.
I’ve just finished season 1 and…
it’s actually quite good
#startrek #enterprise #whoknew
2/26: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
The Bynars are kind of an adorable race. Why haven’t we seen more of them post TNG?!
TOS (8ET): Requiem for Methuselah
TNG (9ET): 11001001
DS9 (10ET): The Collaborator
VOY (11 ET): Counterpoint
ENT (midnight): Precious Cargo
2/25: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
I really like tonight’s VOY and ENT. Admittedly, tonight’s TNG is pretty bad. But get a load of Riker in that outfit.
TOS (8ET): The Lights of Zetar
TNG (9ET): Angel One
DS9 (10ET): Crossover
VOY (11 ET): Thirty Days
ENT (midnight): Vanishing Point