#XenobladeChroniclesX Definitive Edition y #AtelierYumia lideran las ventas en Japón, mientras que #NintendoSwitch se recupera :3. https://universo-nintendo.com.mx/2025/03/28/ventas-de-juegos-y-consolas-en-japon-17-03-23-03-2025/
#XenobladeChroniclesX Definitive Edition y #AtelierYumia lideran las ventas en Japón, mientras que #NintendoSwitch se recupera :3. https://universo-nintendo.com.mx/2025/03/28/ventas-de-juegos-y-consolas-en-japon-17-03-23-03-2025/
¡#AtelierYumia ha vendido más de 300 000 unidades en solo una semana, convirtiéndose así en la entrega con mejor ritmo de ventas de la franquicia! https://www.nextn.es/2025/03/atelier-yumia-300000-unidades-vendidas-una-semana-record/
Can you? Yes. Yes you can. And the cats, too.
En revanche, la pauvre, elle avait aucune chance. Elle est level 40.
Quand j'arrive pour l'affronter je suis seulement 63.
A peine VINGTS-TROIS (23) level de plus qu'elle...
I've not had a huge amount of spare time to get fully immersed into Atelier Yumia, but so far I'm very much enjoying myself. As I've said before, the overworld is hugely influenced by BOTW, and it's a lot of fun to just bimble around to find secrets and puzzles. Alchemy hasn't been a huge part of the game so far, aside from the basic (but very welcome) field synthesis, and my team is levelling up nicely.
De quel côté de la balance penche le nouvel épisode de la série Atelier, #AtelierYumia ? Demandons à @Zali_Falcam !
Un avance de #AtelierYumia permite apreciar el DLC con bañadores y bikinis del juego, y no está de más conocer cuánto cuesta tenerlo :3. https://universo-nintendo.com.mx/2025/03/25/atelier-yumia-dlc-bikinis-banadores/
So, around 2-3hrs into Atelier Yumia, and I'm having a good time. Very much liking the open world setting (a little reminiscent of BOTW), and the real-time combat is starting to gel.
Atelier Yumia sets a new record for the iconic JRPGs, but responses are mixed
the best time for Gust to retire their engine would have been Atelier Sophie 2. the second best time is now. jesus christ the framerate. my eyes. this is a PS5 not a Switch
i do like that alchemy is recognized as the crime that it should have been in every previous game
La #eShop de #NintendoSwitch recibe a Assault Suit Leynos 2, #AtelierYumia, #XenobladeChroniclesX Definitive Edition y más juegos. También hay ofertas de Devolver Digital :3. https://universo-nintendo.com.mx/2025/03/22/jueves-de-nintendo-download-en-la-eshop-20-03-2025/
ICYMI: Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land released #games #AtelierYumia #atelierseries https://www.gamerstemple.com/news/35431/atelier-yumia-the-alchemist-of-memories-and-the-envisioned-land-released?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
having fun playing #atelieryumia
as someone who played #atelier games since the #psvita era, i highly approve and recommend this game so far...
I’m a few hours into #AtelierYumia, and I’m enjoying it so far.
It’s always a little weird meeting a new cute critter, then immediately beating the crap out of it for exp.
This really is a darker #Atelier story. Serious FFXVI vibes with how they treat Yumia.
Performance wise, Koei Tecmo still can’t figure out how cameras work in doors. Resolutions and art are soft on PS5 Pro. It doesn’t look native 4K, even in Quality mode. Good use of Adaptive Triggers.
Hi Gamers! You should really give Atelier Yumia a try. It's like Infinity Nikki meets Breath of the Wild https://atelier.games/yumia/us/? #atelieryumia
Atelier Yumia feels like Infinity Nikki meets Breath of the Wild #atelieryumia