that time of the year when kittens are cutest and ready to be picked
@yurnidiot the harvest begins
@yurnidiot Consider the kitties of the field, how they grow...
@yurnidiot I didn’t even know you could plant them! Imagine that.
One of those has eaten WELL.
@yurnidiot now this is the kind of gardening that appeals to me.
@garland @yurnidiot Thinking I should dig up the raspberries and replace them with kittens now..
@yurnidiot @catsalad … is this how cats are made?
@yurnidiot love this ^_^
@yurnidiot Those are the ones grown from Dandy Lion seed?
@yurnidiot ...nice crop...
@yurnidiot When they're too young to protest being picked up.
@yurnidiot as I walk through the valley where I harvest my cats
@yurnidiot the #StardewValley mod I need
OMG, my synapses are melting due to cuteness!
You realize you'll only have to herd them later, right?
The harvest is bountiful
@yurnidiot They patiently wait to be collected
@yurnidiot so that’s what the Cat Delivery System looks like from the provider side
What a happy task.
@yurnidiot A plentiful harvest