Hey! There's a new #HumbleBundle full of yummy computer science books (including mine!) from @nostarch with proceeds going to @eff.
Check out "Computer Science the Fun Way":
@william_shotts I have bought most of the No Starch bundles, to the point that the new ones rarely have anything I don't already own. ;) But *all* of the books in that thumbnail are new to me, and I'm *very* interested in. I'll be buying these for sure. Thanks!
@william_shotts Went there, bought that. A great selection. 12 of the books were new to me, but that's *still* only $3 per book, DRM-free and in both PDF and EPUB. Any way you slice that, it's a good use of my money.
@william_shotts would it be a fair assumption that (as someone who's never done coding but is curious) computer science is likely the course someone might take at uni, that is the first step into the "programming/coding world"? And this bundle gives a broad overview of the topic?
Interesting question. Computer science is a big, complicated subject, but what you first need to know (if you want to pursue coding) is how the computer works. Second, I would suggest learning how to "drive" the computer. That's where my book comes in.
@william_shotts @TheDragon
You can start learning programming or coding at any age. There is no need to attend college. Computer science may be a different matter (but it is deeply related). For example, you can write poetry without having ph.d in literature or poetry in college, as they are somewhat different.
That looks awesome!
Which topics does your book cover? #CompSci