I'm starting to think I'm going to have to give up on Firefox. my baseline ~35 tabs spread across multiple windows routinely eats 6+GB of memory, and even after going from 16->32GB of RAM, I'm still getting all sorts of UI lag and general unhappiness. I suspect at least part of it is Atlassian's fault (they are likely not testing with Firefox and their stuff is bloated), but given I already have to keep Chrome around for stuff that straight up doesn't work on Firefox, I'm looking at options 1/n
I know I'm not going back to Chrome, but I don't have anything against Chromium-based stuff - I need my browser to *work* and otherwise stay out of my way, thus the crusade against monoculture in browsers isn't a primary concern. So as much as I hate to even ask, is Edge the least worst option right now since it's not encumbered with Google's new spyware or intentionally breaking ublock Origin & friends?
Brave is a no-op for plenty of reasons. Opera sounds similarly sketchy.
Vivaldi? 2/2
Minor update here: as a test, I swapped my atlassian stuff back to chrome while leaving everything else on Firefox. Despite running two browsers, my net memory use has gone down by a couple of gigs, and a number of the UI glitches in Jira and general browser lagginess I was having in Firefox is gone. Sorta confirms my suspicion that Atlassian is doing something Chrome optimized and not testing with Firefox very well.
i found vivaldi had a gazillion knobs to change layout but was massively twitchy or incompatible with a wide array of large web sites and gave up on it in a week.
@wesgeorge Dillo recently saw a rare, new release. I remember wanting to like it years ago, and I did, but it lacked capabilities I wanted at the time. I'm not sure what those were now, but if you take look at it I'd be interested on your assessment of it. https://dillo-browser.github.io/
@jtk I am glad to see people actively working on this after literally resurrecting it from the dead, but I think it's not really at a point where it could be a credible replacement for a mainstream browser in my primary work environment anytime soon. Probably the earliest I could see spending time on testing this is after they get a build/test pipeline together for windows so step 1 isn't "compile from source"
I've used Vivaldi as my daily driver since its days in beta. It works, it's fine, they seem committed to making it proof to Google's depredations. I find ff clumsy and slow and hahaha no I wouldn't be looking at edge.
I'm on Linux tho so maybe if you're stuck having to use windows, ymmv as they say.