They made Katie Britt stay at home in her kitchen. Meanwhile the rest of the Republican Party showed up at the #SOTU
@tristansnell hmm very reflective of American society today
@tristansnell very old sausage fest
I am reminded of the constitutional convention of 1787.
@tristansnell Tristan, you included Manchin as a repub!
@tristansnell She knew her place???
@tristansnell I like how Manchin’s in this shot.
Hey! That's the picture that C-SPAN video techs use to check their white level!
You mean this kitchen???
Yeah, she must really be feeling the pinch!
@tristansnell I almost thought this was an old image used to make a humorous point, but I see Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz sitting next to each other so it can’t be decades old. This should be really embarrassing for them but they have no shame and no interest in the perspectives and experiences of anyone who isn’t a christian white male.
Wow! That's a whole lot of old white men dressed like Trump, the wannabe dictator...