Along Willem de Zwijgerlaan, Statenkwartier. Direct Watercolor. 20"x16", 140lb Arches Cold Press.
Spent way too long in the details phase. This, after ruining several other sheets of paper... rough go at it lately.
@toddanderson Every time I see one of your paintings of The Hague, I instantly recognize it by a particular kind of light typical for The Hague before I recognize it from the buildings or architecture. I love how you're able to capture that, in this one too.
@LisaSaarloos this is so lovely to hear! Thank you so much
@toddanderson Love the different windows and reflections!
@Oecan thank you!
@toddanderson I'm sorry if this painting was hard for you. I hope it's some consolation that I think it is beautiful and it's bringing me a lot of joy! You are very talented.
@cherieherrjones thank you so much for the kind words!