Men: Download the Flo App and start tracking your manstrual cycle. Screw up the data. Screw #reproductivesurveillance
I need people to go get a free calendar at the bank, hardware store, pet store etc and start using that to track periods. No one needs electricity to keep tabs on their periods.
@Coho @tinydoctor That just means that the TSA is going to have physical access to your period calendar when you travel.
Ideally, one could argue they don't need internet access to keep track of their periods, but there is some value to syncing data online.
The problem is that, if they could, the banks and hardware stores, and pet stores would sell your period tracking data in the physical calendars if they could.
I already signed up and I am expecting a baby in July...
I will probably have a miscarriage in a month or so
@tinydoctor can you please explain why I should do this? isn't that going to make the program less reliable for women?
@tinydoctor Glad to start tracking my man-moon.
@tinydoctor this sounds like something we should teach AI to do. It might be the first valuable AI task!
@tinydoctor men, pick a lunar cycle(OTHER than full moon), or first weekend, last Wednesday, something and track ONCE a month. Women only have a period once a month; it's very easy to filter out noise and bad data from large data sets. To make your chaos effective, apply it correctly
Really love that instead of helping women, he decided to block me
@tinydoctor as much fun this is ... I think it'd be better for menstruating people to use apps which don't send data at all such as Drip. That's what I'd recommend at least.
@tinydoctor It's sad in Lithuania there is a lot of hype about this company since they opened a development hub here
@tinydoctor awesome, time to learn knife tricks and track the cycles of bleeding!
@tinydoctor what's wrong with this app ?
Why do you want to screw the data ?
@ymaster @tinydoctor
"Equally, if not more problematic, is the possibility that data from period-tracking apps could be subpoenaed and used as evidence to prove a criminal loss of pregnancy. Whether non-health related data could be used to suggest that a woman had had an abortion, is unclear."
@tinydoctor @stavvers manstrual cycle
@tinydoctor And why would i do that?
Is it useful for people outside the US to do it (I mean beside for preventing the same things happening in other countries) ?
@tinydoctor It's a cute proposal, but I don't understand how it will actually help an individual woman whose account data is demanded by the authorities in her state.
@wendyg I was seduced by the cute. As an act of resistance it is at second glance more therapeutic than effective. Anything that throws the slightest wrench into the proceedings is appealing.
@tinydoctor Yes. Understood.
@tinydoctor and folks who menstruate: there's an app that stores the data only on your device instead of the cloud
@tinydoctor This is unlikely to accomplish what it intends.
@JonasJRichter Point taken. Creating "friction" is appealing even if it doesn't do much. I'm up for anything that throws even the tiniest wrench into the data harvest machinery.
@JonasJRichter Though it may be more therapeutic than effective. I like effective too.
I'm resisting ever so hard to asking if "tiniest wrench" was meant as a euphemism for anything. Or was it tiniest wench?
@nachtet @JonasJRichter A metaphor rather than a euphemism.
@tinydoctor Better: donate some money each month to or another org doing the work.
The main danger of period apps is authorities accessing the data for an individual person they're investigating. Bad data isn't going to help, but funds to get out of state might.
cute idea but also ure fighting data analysts/data scientists and filtering out garbage data is probably a well explored field for them, so if this is actually meant to significantly impact a dedicated adversary it needs to be done better than low effort almost random data, it would have to be indistinguishable from real data
on the other hand, this is a nice campaign for spreading awareness
@tinydoctor despite I support anti-surveillance actions, I am afraid I can't support this idea. According to the info about this program, it is so surveillance-heavy that shall plainly be avoided by all means. Developed in Belarus
@nanoelquant Despite likes and reposts of my toot, I have come think it just seems like a fun thing to do, but will have little or no positive effect. People just want to fuck somehow with the data being used to track everyone. I didn't think it out before posting. I need to work on that.
@tinydoctor At least, it is always nice to spark a discussion. To be honest, before your post I had no idea how bad the situation is.