@jalefkowit @randomgeek @maddiefuzz @liz I grew up in the era of tube tvs. Not just a cathode ray tube instead of flat screen, but super-heterodyne vacuum tubes instead of solid state transistors. Y'know, transistors, there's what, a hundred million on each chip these days. A 24 inch screen was gigantic. You could smell the ozone when the tubes got hot. #oldmanyellingatclouds
@tinydoctor @jalefkowit @randomgeek @maddiefuzz @liz
I did notice in this thread a lot of people not going "the future was when I got my first colour tv" which was certainly a big shift for me.
@Printdevil @jalefkowit @randomgeek @maddiefuzz @liz We did not have a color tv until I was about 11yo. I can't remember precisely when cable tv became common, partially because I didn't own a tv until 1997*, but I was already an adult.
*I was more interested in reading than watching. Still am.