Why do store purchased tomatoes taste like shit
Answer me that
Hugz & xXx
@Melissabeartrix Customers tend to buy nice, shiny, perfectly formed tomatoes & shy away from any that aren't perfect
So supermarkets source perfectly shaped, red tomatoes as they know they can sell them
The taste isn't a consideration
@Melissabeartrix @staringatclouds it’s worse. they source perfectly shaped GREEN tomatoes and then gas them with ethylene before they go on sale.
It's insane ... But the price we pay to have perfect tomatoes ... Pout
Hugz & xXx
You could try growing your own
I knew a guy in my first job grew them in the office window using a window box
He didn't get a huge amount but the taste was amazing
@Unixbigot @Melissabeartrix @staringatclouds really?
Grabs a fresh Spanish tomato and snacc's it
@kkarhan @Unixbigot @Melissabeartrix @staringatclouds bananas, tomatoes, avocados, many berries, most stonefruit.