We are delighted to see that "Cybersecurity Myths and Misconceptions" has been added to the Cybersecurity Canon of definitive literature!
Have your copy yet? If not, why not?
@spaf alt texts were no help for the links. Here they are for the interested:
https://informit.com/cybermyths https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/1142002610 https://amazon.com//dp/0137929234
I'm on the jump so I can't do more. If any other alt texts could be provided, that'd be great
@ppxl Unfortunately, Mastodon doesn't let me post a single PDF, and I don't have any easy way to generate the text for the alt field/
@spaf instant buy, looking forward to it. PS: >2 decades in IT here, always having an interest in #cybersecuirty, yet only working fulltime in it now for 2 months. Can use some general advise :)