About a week ago, I discovered the TV series Loudermilk (2017) on Prime Video.
I think Loudermilk is more of a comedic drama than sitcom. The jokes are generally dark humor; it's less laugh out loud funny and more finding cathartic humor in the day-to-day struggles.
I really got into this show, and I've started looking forward to watching a couple episodes at the end of the day.
Loudermilk has more character and plot development than most comedic drams, and sometimes extends plotlines that you thought were resolved 4+ episodes prior.
The show starts each episode with a recap which is a testament to the intricacy of the plotline. I can see how the recaps are helpful for broadcast, but sometimes gives mild spoilers. If you decide to watch this show, I recommend skipping the recaps if possible.
Amazon's one sentence summary of Loudermilk is "Series centers on Sam Loudermilk, a recovering alcoholic and substance abuse counselor with an extremely bad attitude."
If you think that sounds intriguing, then I think you'll like this show.
#Loudermilk #Loudermilk2017
As an aside, I do have a few nits I could pick with Loudermilk, and there's an entire plotline that I disliked enough to consider stop watching. The show feels a bit unpolished/raw at times, and I've found that both a negative and a positive. That said, I think the good outweighs the bad.