An earlier state of destruction: my intention had been to document the wanton waste of public land and resources at Ontario Place but the lab so badly botched these frames I was disheartened and did not continue. However, I’ve decided to share then anyway.
I think that may be some of the @ontarioplace4all crew in the kayak.
@heikor, I would actually hope to never have the opportunity to document such a travesty but, yes, it is likely to happen again. I may, even though the structures are gone, continue the series on Ontario Place and the construction of the massive private spa that is replacing the public park.
Ich kann, auch wenn die Strukturen verschwunden sind, die Serie am Ontario Place und den Bau des riesigen privaten Spas fortsetzen, das den öffentlichen Park ersetzt.
It would definitely make sense. As long as you make sure that this topic doesn't take up too much of you. That might not be healthy either.
@heikor, good point.