I finally watched the movie Coherence (2016) last night, and though it's a bit rough and unpolished, the premise is very good and plays out excellently.
It's on Peacock now, but I think I had it for a long time in my Hulu queue (it's gone now).
It's a typical white person dinner party flick that slowly devolves into something unsettling and disturbing.
@ricardoharvin I think the roughness is a big part of the charm for me. It really starts off as some friends just saying: "We should make a movie." And by the end you're in so deep with everything looping over you sit there saying "WTF!" pause and then "Let's watch it again!"
@r3t3ch Yes, the friends making a movie vibe was really strong, and part of the appeal.
The wtf aspect was great, and reminds me of Donnie Darko.
The ending
@ricardoharvin Darko is a great comparison. Yeah that end... loved it.
BTW, if you've not seen it and like Darko, check out I Saw the TV Glow. it's like an updated version, or a child of it. Wonderful flick.
I'm a sucker for surreal and not entirely explained films. Nothing in life has the answers, no reason to expect art to do so.
@r3t3ch It's in my queue but I want to watch We're All Going to the World's Fair, first, also in my queue.
I like inexplicable movies that follow a consistent logic, no matter how bizarre.
It Follows isn't the same genre, but has the same vibe, for me.
@ricardoharvin Gotta add that one now, cheers.
100% agree. Sell me on your universe. Reach out from the screen and yank me into that space. Hold onto me until the journey is done. That will never leave me. It'll creep into my mind for the rest of my life. That is true art.
@r3t3ch Ok, World's Fair hit just right. A small film that creates a whole weird world with mostly one character throughout.
Very atmospheric and contemplative, it's not at all what I expected, and I really enjoyed it
@ricardoharvin Cheers. Appreciate that. Always looking for new films. Preferably like this.