Climate change is an immediate threat to the majority of the world's population.
We need a local, regional, state, national, and international "moon shot" type of concentration of effort using available resources while developing and advancing new science and technologies to counteract the damage humans have caused.
Without this type of all-out, universal cooperation, human civilization, and perhaps humanity itself, are in imminent danger of extinction.
It's these types of efforts where we need to focus basic and advanced #research, #scientific and #technological #exploration, and large-scale #commercial and #government #development.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once is the most sound #global #philosophy and #strategy to potentially mitigate, and possibly reverse, the extreme damage we've done to our #climate and #environment.
It's what an #ecological #MoonShot means, to me.
Paraphrased: "If it's not useful and #accessible to the #poor and #disabled, it's neither #radical nor #revolutionary"
The U.S., and most of the "West" / #GlobalNorth, no longer has a radical or revolutionary mindset.
Neither #VentureCapital nor #HedgeFunds have or can deliver bold, #innovative results, only #vampiric variations on what exists.
Until that #paradigm is demolished, we can't hope to build the new #world we all desperately need.
"... just get on with it, and do it now."
We are killing ourselves in literally every way possible.
That is neither #radical nor #revolutionary.
Everything #humans do, Everywhere humans are, must be reexamined, reimagined, and redone.
"...we will probably* need in the have everything we can get..."
#SmallWindTurbines and #SolarPanels, a winning #global #power solution?
*definitely, and immediately
"That's #nature, it's a beautiful and smart #system, but it's a system of give and take. We've just been taking and taking for so long, using the #Earth as our playground, that I think we've completely forgotten that we're a part of this system and, one day, in a not so distant #future, we're also gonna have to give back." – #DamiLee
We aren't separate from the #planet and its systems, we're just a small part.
Doing Everything, Everywhere, All at Once is our only hope at mitigating, maybe one day reversing, the ongoing and worsening devastation of the #ClimateChange we have caused and continue to exacerbate.
"We are entirely connected with #nature and, in turn, the #reef...Every action, every decision we make has an impact on the #environment around us...if you take positive [actions] to reduce your #carbon #emission, this in turn will have a really positive effect on #reefs around the #world...each of us individually are connected and...if we work together, we can have really large and positive impacts."
(#corporations #pollute because WE make that #profitable)
This #compilation of "old" #Astrophysics and other #space #science #clips includes a section related to #ClimateChange and how it may affect the rate of spin for #Earth.
Yes, the #planet's rate of spin may be affected by #climate change. Potentially catastrophic, but may be mitigated (as well as exacerbated or caused by) variations in the #Moon's #orbit.
The segment starts at around 29:34 into the #video
A few more examples of #ideas that fit the Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #moonshot #philosophy and #strategy for #ClimateChange mitigation:
I partially retract an earlier statement, this is #local #SouthFlorida #news #coverage on #ClimateChange and our local #heat records being shattered.
Segments of this may have been #broadcast during normal #newscasts but, unfortunately, this full summary is provided via a secondary or tertiary outlet.
At least they're covering this news and sharing it in an understandable format.
"My personal view is that the change is worth pursuing in the interest of slowing the negative effects on our #ocean #ecosystem that #GlobalWarming and #ClimateChange is having right now. It's not free. It comes at a cost, and that's a trade-off that we have to consider when we decide to put #WindFarms into the #ocean."
Nothing is free, everything has a cost. The perfect is too often the enemy of the good.
Doing Everything, Everywhere, All at Once is what we need, now.
#DistrictCooling and other #infrastructure and #archtectural changes can help increase the efficiency of #cooling #systems and radically reduce the #energy such systems use even as exponentially more people in more places are finally able to access the lifesaving benefits of artificially and more naturally cooled air.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange #solutions abound.
"...what we see is that #ClimateChange is by far the worst enemy. So yes, these things will have #environtmental effects, but we should put them in that context of #climate change."
It's critical that we implement now as many good options as we have, as widely as we can, as work on ever better #ClimateSolutions continues.
We must do Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange solutions can benefit everyone, everywhere, all the time.
Yes, and...
The Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #philosophy and #strategy to mitigate #ClimateChange includes rethinking the purposes and goals of #capitalist #production and #economic growth.
What we do, and why we do, aren't separate from how we live and die.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #solutions to #ClimateChange include producing and consuming less.
#Corporations are the worst #polluters because they #manufacture demand and need (e.g. planned obsolescence), then recklessly #pollute to meet that artificially inflated "need" for goods.
We must decrease our individual #consumerism while also forcing #businesses to stop polluting.
Ending #corporate #pollution and our rampant consumption are both required, and more.
Literally doing Everything, Everywhere, All at Once is our only, our final, chance to mitigate #ClimateChange.
A #philosophy and #strategy that employs the full range of #solutions we have (and creates new ones) is what we must follow if we hope to survive, and hopefully thrive.
"I refuse to think that it's too late...I'm working my ass off to work on ways to fix this."
#ClimateChange is already changing where #insects and wild #animals live, spreading the range—and sometimes increasing the lethality—of "modern" #pathogens while also releasing human-infectious, long frozen (up to a million years, so far) pathogens we're unfamiliar with, and against which we may have no #ImmuneDefenses.
Everything, Everywhere All at Once solutions, now.
#ClimateChange mitigation as an Everything, Everywhere, All at Once philosophy and strategy, in action at #MossyEarth.
Their videos are hopeful and examples of the kinds of ideas and real world projects that I believe we need to implement, well, #EEAAO
A text version of a #DW #video I posted earlier in this thread covering alternatives to #AirConditioning for places where #AC—and the need for such #CoolingSystems—is ubiquitous, and for places where it hasn't been needed until our ongoing #ClimateChange catastrophe.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once solutions are our best hope for survival, and possible thriving after.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange solutions require as much varied and relevant information as possible.
This story is of a daunting, dangerous, and unique #scientific effort to help determine just how dire our extremely dire situation may be.
"#Scientists have less material from under the #IceSheet [covering #Greenland] than they do from the surface of the #moon."
"It’s an ancient technique once practiced by the Incas, as well as in Mexico, Peru, Japan and Egypt...doesn’t require soil and can increase crop production thanks to faster plant growth and year-round production...Aquaponics is also thought to be more climate-friendly since it uses less energy and is more weather-resilient than traditional types of farming."
Another Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation solution.
It's heartening that #African nations are directly confronting #Europe, the #US, and the rest of the "developed" "#GlobalNorth regarding our collective responsibility to address the #ClimateChange catastrophe we alone caused (now exacerbated by #China, #India, and others as they "develop").
Our wealth should pay for Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #climate change mitigation solutions.
There are SO many Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation ideas and opportunities that take relatively little effort and can pay for themselves in very little time, almost immediately in cases and places like this.
We just need the collective will to make these happen now.
Yes, #UN, immediately implemented and ongoing #radical Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation solutions are the only way for #humans and our #civilizations to survive, and hopefully thrive.
Boosting the efficiency of #SolarPanels beyond the #technological limitations of #silicon is another Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation solution that may be achieved by using #Perovskites.
"#Perovskites are yet another example of old #technology that's just starting to gain some traction in the world of was 1839 and is a family of materials with the same #crystal structure as #CalciumTitaniumOxide (#CaTiO3)."
#ClimateChange is well underway and already causing serious harm to many people in many places in many ways.
All available mitigation solutions are required now if we are to have any hope of surviving, much less thrive in, the next years and decades.
People have died and will continue to die in ever increasing numbers if we fail to do Everything, Everywhere, All at Once to halt further #climate change disasters.
Public and #political #education and awareness are key to creating sound Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #policies.
"...we need to have laws that are going to protect the inherent value of #nature for itself, and not just as an instrument for humans."
"...our state implodes [if] the water's gone from the springs."
"We can't dream or hope it will be saved, we have to do."
(#Florida #springs inspired, at least in part, the #poem, #Xanadu )
"What if everybody lived with the understanding that [when] we harm #nature, we're harming ourselves?"
This undeniable, basic truth must be made universally known and understood.
That is one way to achieve #ClimateChange mitigation, and by understanding that codifying the right of #wild nature to exist, we directly help to ensure the continued survival of our #species, which is nearing the point of full collapse.
We must do Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, or die.
Yes, #citizens can and should take #legal action and use every legal and #political tool available to force immediate #government action to mitigate #ClimateChange.
The Everything, Everywhere, All at Once strategy I'm espousing is quite literal. Nothing that can yield positive results can be ignored, it all helps.
Dam! These obsessive "little" #rodents &are #engineering marvels that can restore and create entire #ecosystems.
#Beavers are a #keystone #species that can keep #water tables full to build #drought resistance, even in otherwise barren #deserts.
Beavers once roamed across most of the current #US, and parts of #Canada.
They can help save us from #water #wars, and worse.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.
By relying on the #knowledge that's long been known, rather than the "just because we can" arrogance of #capitalism, we can stop the long, slow, and now imminent #suicide of our #species.
#Libya is far from the only place where #dam collapse has directly caused large human death tolls.
Thoughtless #engineering has destroyed communities and #habitats across the globe.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation includes better dams, or maybe none.
#Dhun is an old practice, ignored by #capitalism, that has allowed people to thrive in the #desert for millennia.
By restoring, expanding, and improving upon #ancient practices, we can build greater #ClimateChange resilience.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once actions, ftw!
Even in the face of the mighty #Sahara, Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation work can be beneficial.
Do what you can, where you are, no matter who you are, or where.
No effort is too small, no matter the size and scope of the challenge.
Even with #war and it's real and lingering threat of violence and death, the people of #Gorongosa #mountain in #Mozambique, with direct training and engagement from and by the #government, have preservered and are succeeding in #reforesting the mountain while also benefiting from new #CashCrops—particularly #coffee.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, literally, is our best hope of #ClimateChange mitigation.
By doing Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, we can survive, and even thrive, the #ClimateChange we are all currently experiencing (not all are living through it).
Old and new #technologies can be combined and improved upon as part of Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation solutions.
It all counts; it all matters.
It's sad that I have to explicitly state in this thread that, OF COURSE, my pushing for Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation solutions is for projects and #technologies that *actually* benefit the #environment, today, tomorrow, and, hopefully, long into the future.
I've never said that just doing anything is the answer, but that doing all that *works*, everywhere it can be done, starting now, is what we need.
*sigh* white men are exhausting
@ricardoharvin Thanks for sharing this video!
@sergiodomeyko You can too, by boosting.
@ricardoharvin thanks for sharing!
@ricardoharvin This comes directly from the Xian belief system. I cannot think of a more harmful verse in the whole bible than Gen 1:28: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it (...)".
@ricardoharvin thank you, I will use this in my broken record approach to talking to people about what is possible now. Climate change demands system change.