ppl are like “partners sharing location 24/7 is weird and invasive” and I’m like how else do I greet him at the door with a perfectly chilled martini and a dog dressed as winnie the pooh
@rebeccawatson my partner's location is visible most of the time via Home Assistant (as is mine) and I use it for:
- 90% of the time: putting the dogs outside or in another room because they can and will open the garage door and run out on to the street when they hear the roller door opening
- 10% of the time: rushing to complete a task I said I would do while she was out.
@Polychrome I mean yeah we use that for other stuff but sharing locations just gives so many other benefits. I can prep an entire dinner knowing when he’s coming home. he can feel good knowing that I’m not kidnapped. etc. like why would I not like it if my partner knows where I am
The wife and I have the ability to look up the location of the other's phone at any time. We both know how to opt out if this, but we don't.
Most often used to gauge the amount of time till mommy/daddy get's home when the kids ask.
I know that people who are in (or have been in) abusive or even just bad relationships... it can be a red flag... it is a power that can be misused... and I would never say otherwise.
But it's something that can be totally benign.
@rebeccawatson@mstdn.social My half-asleep brain just read "perfectly chilled hot-dog"…
"Could you please text or call when you are on your way, there will be a surprise waiting for you when you get home! :)" In days of yore we made requests.
@CarolynFus @rebeccawatson ...and forgot to call half of the time
@georgeeyong @CarolynFus haha also umm I already know when he leaves work. it’s the Bay Area, which means a window of 90 to 180 minutes
@rebeccawatson Well yeah, okay, but what was the dog’s costume?
@rebeccawatson I once used location sharing to give my wife turn-by-turn directions, in Paris. She had been lost in the non-square grid city. I was in California.
She was super grateful.
And, yes, I get the negative possibilities.
@rebeccawatson yeah, I'm not sure what people are doing that means they need to hide their location from their spouse...
The Winnie the Pooh costume better be on next video's Indy reel.
@ja_herre yep it’s on yesterday’s video about fear and laughter! Why Do We Laugh When We're Scared?