@qurlyjoe I’ll say it again and again. I want an educated and healthy work force. Free education and health care. This is selfish so I can feel we have a bright future.
@qurlyjoe I paid them off because my unpaid interest wasn’t 7% nor added to my principle balance each year as though I had borrowed from a loan shark and couldn’t keep up with the vig. I’m happy to fight for eliminating the vig and the nasty loan sharks who came up with it in the first place.
@qurlyjoe student loan forgiveness is almost entirely for rich wealthy white people though.
What if that is our problem with it?
@qurlyjoe also paid mine off many years ago and am fully in support of cancelation
@qurlyjoe Oh I paid mine off ages ago, but I don't mind about it at all. I was just curious if I could get a refund lol. Besides they pay more for one semester than I paid in four years. Crazy.
I never paid mine. I just stiffed them. I worked off the books all my life so they couldn't just take it out of my paycheck. I'm 75. I've had a very good life. Fuck the banksters. Fuck the government.