Microsoft Publisher will no longer be supported after October 2026
In October 2026, Microsoft Publisher will reach its end of life. After that time, it will no longer be included in Microsoft 365 and existing on-premises suites will no longer be supported. Microsoft 365 subscribers will no longer be able to open or edit Publisher files in Publisher. Until then, support f
@osnews I've never understood that product.
90% of the features are available in word, why not just add the rest?
Oh no, I forgot, we needed ribbon bars and AI, silly me....
Publisher really is a dinosaur. :)
But is a Desktop Publishing (DTP) style program, a thing that Word surely isn't.
I would say PowerPoint has more functionalities in common with it than Word.
My argument for (aging) Publisher users why it can die: just buy Affinity Publisher or the whole suite on the next sale. You won't miss a thing ever...
P.S.: I still use Publisher from time to time at work for page layouts, as we are chained to Microsoft's old software suite.
@osnews I feel like starting with Office 2007, #Microsoft made it languish, it surprisingly didn't receive the Ribbon with that release years after I thought it stopped being the black sheep of the family. But the product just became directionless when its destiny was to become a web app just like Canva. Microsoft's graphics apps have been sketchy. Remember #PhotoDraw, #Vizact, Liquid Motion.
@osnews I do remember Microsoft Publisher was considered to be the most used DTP application though. It might not have been as robust as InDesign or Xpress, but its user base definitely outnumbered both combined.