Getting tired of how US centric the internet and the news is...and I'm an American. I want to hear about what's going on in other countries, not just what's going on here.
Just started a new #Flipboard magazine for global #news.
I want to hear about what's going on in Asia and Africa in seems like the news focuses a lot on Europe and the US which is fine, but it feels a little unbalanced.
There's literally billions of people that live in Asia and Africa and I hardly hear anything about what's going on there. 3/
@noellemitchell And I would like more local news. It's a problem, and people are still working on solutions.
@DrDanMarshall @noellemitchell Def a problem in the US!
yes, so important to widen one’s view -
but it is also not so difficult to find various (still reliable) news sources from the so-called “global south” …
for example the “Mail & Guardian” in #SouthAfrica or the “Times of India”…
@wigbert @noellemitchell can also thoroughly recommend https://dailymaveric.Co.Za
Al Jazeera also do a good, broad alternative view.
@noellemitchell this is the one thing I really miss from X - I was able to follow so many people from so many places and get glimpses from around the world, especially Africa, Asia, and South America. Here I've not been able to connect like that yet.
@noellemitchell if you're looking for south african news take a look at
@noellemitchell That's great to hear! You could also follow our @NewsDesk if you're looking for stories to put in your Magazine — they share a lot of U.S. content, but also international stories and stories that are overlooked too. @timkmak's Counteroffensive is a great one to follow if you're interested in Ukraine news, and @restofworld has fascinating stories from around the globe. We also just discovered @thecontinent, a pan-African weekly newspaper.
@noellemitchell I love the #Economist and #DeutscheWelle podcasts for this!
@themostroom Haven't heard of that podcast! I'm going to look it up.