Apparently the RNC has filled 6,000 poll watcher positions in #Pennsylvania this year, compared with 1,000 in 2020. Luckily, poll watchers can only function in counties where they live--which means I may have to be more strict re: checking poll watcher ID this year. I'd be curious to see a heat map of where these trained poll watchers reside--I'm guess it's a preponderance of rural counties.
@nicolewolverton Wow! I hope they aren't unreasonably obstructive. Can constables eject them if they object to every little thing and delay the votes?
@Just_Jenn Yep! In addition to the local constable, the police station is directly next door. It would be monumentally stupid to start crap at my precinct. Not to mention that I'd find it personally satisfying to make a miscreant cry. ;p
@nicolewolverton I enjoyed the de-escalation training. I hope we don't need it. And I'm glad I'm just an Inspector, not a JOE.
@Just_Jenn Fingers crossed for both of us!!!!!!! And thanks for working the polls--your JOE loves you. :)
@nicolewolverton I'm ridiculously excited about it. People keep asking if I'm scared or worried. Not really. I think it's going to be a fun, fulfilling day. I think about having 3 Mayflower ancestors, Revolution fighters, suffragettes in my ancestry... and I get to work the polls in a pivotal election. It's an honor.