Apparently the RNC has filled 6,000 poll watcher positions in #Pennsylvania this year, compared with 1,000 in 2020. Luckily, poll watchers can only function in counties where they live--which means I may have to be more strict re: checking poll watcher ID this year. I'd be curious to see a heat map of where these trained poll watchers reside--I'm guess it's a preponderance of rural counties.
@nicolewolverton I don’t live in PA, but I am curious what safeguards are in place so they don’t go out of county to “watch”
@NCCardsFan so, watchers must have an original poll watchers certificate with a raised seal, showing they've been certified by the county. Having served as a poll watchers one year, I know what they look like, but if a Judge of Election hadn't seen one, maybe it could be faked? If there's any question, the Judge has the right to request ID for confirmation. There are also rules, too, that would raise suspicion in certain cases. :)
@nicolewolverton thank you.