@lowqualityfacts Well, a good way to get rid of old candies without trowing them away
@lowqualityfacts you mean "required"
@lowqualityfacts that’s why I always put it up my butt first
@lowqualityfacts That's what they told me while giving strange looks to the fidgeting agent who removed my candy and ate my luggage.
@lowqualityfacts So make sure to make your candy with 0 sugar and Carolina Reaper peppers! (no don't do that)
@lowqualityfacts That’s why they sell #Toblerone at airports.
@lowqualityfacts This would not surprise me in the slightest.
@lowqualityfacts true story.
After the jar of Vegemite I bought while visiting Australia was confiscated from my carry on for being a liquid I submitted some freedom of information requests.
It turns out 53% of the Vegemite sold in Australian airports are jars that have been confiscated and resold to fund the annual border force barbie.
The record for a single jar was 6 resales.