Wherever I look I can see news about a few very rich individuals being stranded on a submarine that was supposed to take them on a tour of the Titanic. The effort put in place to rescue them appears huge in scope.
Last week over six hundred people died in a #shripweck off the coasts of #Greece and nobody cared. Nobody even bothered to start a rescue operation until it was too late.
Stop pretending people are equal, I hate this hypocrisy.
@gabrielesvelto worse:
The #EU and it's members actively work to prevent #SAR efforts they refuse to do with their #CoastGuard forces whilst paying mercenaries and human traffickers like #LYCG to forcibly disappear, shoot and murder people for wanting to live in peace and safety.
Ask @seawatch and all the others about the situation!
@gabrielesvelto @kkarhan @seawatch I believe African nations can't blame others for their problems forever, they must take some action too. Yeah, they were from Asia, mostly Pakistan, but trafficked by N. African criminal organizations. Btw: can't go from Pakistan to the EU and claim you're a refugee. Mare Nostrum was a very positive initiative, the problem is most EU people don't want more immigrants.