@kkarhan Super cool keyboard!!
@kingu instant classic...
I still want such a #BigChungus board again...
@kingu Or ideally something with solderless MX sockets and #UltraNav-Style #PointingStick AND 122 keys...
Kinda like an extended Version of the #TEX Yoda II
I am hooked on the retro look of the first one you poste :)
@kingu you can still get it from #Unicomp!
And I'd really want one again...
@kkarhan Thanks!!
@kingu np.
It's also the perfect reason to demand a single-person office or be given 100% remote as an option, becuase #BucklingSpring is loud af!
@kingu Only the #ModelF122 is even girthier than the #ModelM 122, and sadly those that do reproduce #ModelF only do 65% layouts, not even 90% 105 key boards, so a #F122 can set you back like €500+ in excellent condition...