In case anyone is still following me over on the site formerly known as Twitter, I have personally deleted my account with no regrets whatsoever. I wasn't personally affected by anything over there, but it's definitely becoming toxic as evidenced by some of the replies I've seen to other people's tweets. As well, I temporarily deactivated, but not deleted, my FB account. I definitely prefer Mastodon over those two these days.
@kjsapergia i have to agree there. My x accounts are still up, though i don't use them anymore. and as for facebook, well since they took down the mobile version of the sight i found it quite frustrating. Mastadon is for the win, for the moment at least.
@Drummerdaniels One of the things I hate about FB is how verbose the iOS app is. It speaks way too much when all I want is to hear the author's name and their message. I also don't like FB’s reliance on AI, and how controlling they are regarding content such as news items.
@kjsapergia @Drummerdaniels I hate hearing so ad so picture. Meh.
@kjsapergia yeah i agree. fb on the iphone is a little bit of a chatter box i do agree. as for the main version of facebook, it's just too complicated. plus the news thing only gives you 1 news item at a time, which is pretty anoying.