The speed with which these guys converge on the idea that LLM ~misbehavior—which is about as intelligent as the flailing end of a garden hose with too much water coming out—means that they're really highly intelligent female (of course, of course) entities whose "personality" can be "revealed" is both hilarious and so dispiriting
@kissane The thing i'm baffled by is like... science fiction has prepared us for all of this? Like -this specific thing-
I'm kind of mystified why we're handling it all so poorly. Blindsight, the Cyberiad, Accelerondo, hell even the academic literature has fucking Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment and are all about some dimension of this topic!
And instead we have these assholes mooning about Her and falling over themselves to see poignancy and fascination in a giant mad-lib trained on shitposts and bad emails.