The speed with which these guys converge on the idea that LLM ~misbehavior—which is about as intelligent as the flailing end of a garden hose with too much water coming out—means that they're really highly intelligent female (of course, of course) entities whose "personality" can be "revealed" is both hilarious and so dispiriting
Stop attributing intent to the language jumble and start demanding safeguards and barriers to constrain their psychopathic tech company creators challenge
I did a logged-out search on Twitter for that URL and it's a million dudes fawning, why is everyone acting like they got mind-wiped by the fucking snake
@kissane maybe it’s only ~30 dudes just earning their paycheck?
@paulkruczynski unfortunately a bunch of them are known tech/media guys
@kissane I see. I don't know for certain, but a lot of tech/media guys seem very open to get their minds wiped by snakes on the reg.
@paulkruczynski @kissane this is very true. otherwise they’d be cynical like us (not joking)… which doesn’t pay as well probably
@kissane The year was 2009. The place was a musty conference room at Microsoft's Redmond campus. A man in an ill-fitting blazer thrown over a button-up shirt hit the spacebar on his laptop, calling up the next slide of his PowerPoint presentation.
"As you can see," he said, "We expect affection for our product to grow slowly but surely over the next fifteen years, and by 2023 we expect there to be a consensus that Bing is positively fuckable."
They laughed at him, then. They mocked him, for years, drove him out of the industry. "No one," they said, "is going to have a crush on a search engine. That's simply preposterous."
But who's laughing now? Who's laughing now?
@KevinMarks @kissane, you're right. I take it back, this is "on brand," they've just been playing the long game.
@kissane o sorry did i do that again oops