The term “DEI” is being used as a cover to tear apart much of the federal government. It’s not that this language didn’t exist before, but it’s being weaponized now. Suddenly the cold, impersonal-sounding acronym DEI has replaced “diversity initiatives,” “civil rights,” “equal rights,” “fairness,” and “anti-discrimination” in everyday conversation. I would suggest that one small thing we can do is return to using those actual words. This week's comic:
#cartoon #uspol
Yep, and if anyone uses DEI or woke as an insult you can cancel them forever.
Like the new Spiderman film whose lead actor said he made sure the script wasn't woke, before joining.
Fuck that bro. Cancel.
@kevinrns @jensorensen wait….who? (I am going to be very sad if it was the one that has been in the recent films)
@kevinrns @jensorensen (glances) oh, hell no. Sad that it is the new animated one…that looked interesting…and now is not.
@kevinrns @jensorensen at first glance appears to be a douche
Bad timing for awful first glances.
@kevinrns @jensorensen Cancel culture is absolutely not the answer.
@JustinMac84 @kevinrns @jensorensen However, boycotting IS free-speech.
Cancel isn't an answer, its a choice, no racists in my entertainment.
@kevinrns @JustinMac84 @jensorensen
“Cancel culture” is a Republican term meaning “I don’t like that you don’t like that I’m ok with bigotry.”
They don’t like it when people stand up and say something is wrong if they agree with it.
@pomegranate_stew @kevinrns @jensorensen Not at all. Saying something is wrong is fine. Trying to shut someone down entirely for something they may or may not have said or done is a different thing entirely. It's the social media version of witch-burnings. Hmmm, who can we find to self-righteously hate today? Speaking as someone left wing myself, the trouble with the left is they think bigotry is soley the province of the right.
@pomegranate_stew @kevinrns @jensorensen this person should be de-platformed, no-one should associate with them at all, they should be shut out of the conversation entirely for x y or z reason. there can exist no better proof that the right doesn't have a manopoly on narrow-minded intolerance.