Der Astrophysiker und Wissenschaftsjournalist Harald Lesch sieht mit den Razzien bei der Klimabewegung Letzte Generation eine „rote Linie“ überschritten.
„Jetzt muss man euch unterstützen nach dieser Scheiße“, sagte Lesch am Donnerstagabend auf der Streamingplattform Twitch.
Man müsse der Gruppe in ihren Aktionen nicht zustimmen, „aber das, was jetzt passiert, das geht auf keinen Fall“.
Translation from German of above post:
"The astrophysicist and science journalist Harald Lesch sees a “red line” in the last generation climate movement with the raids.
“Now you have to support this shit,” Lesch said on Thursday evening on the streaming platform Twitch.
It is not necessary to agree with the group in its actions, “but what is happening now does not happen.” "
Can I ask, what raids?
@kevinrns @Emathion The (bavarian) general public prosecutor try framing LastGen as a terrorist organization and initiated country-wide police raids on members and supporters:
Obviously that is purely a despaired attempt at intimidation without legal backing.
Thank you for this.
In the same manner...
UK Court Judge told demonstrators who were arrested for demonstrating, that they were not ro menrion during their defence that climate change was why they were on the street.
After one mentioned climate on the stand diring questioning, his jail time was increased.
I will look for the link.