There are hundreds of thousands of these perfect locations for an added wind generator on top of a new tower. Hundreds of thousands of windmills added beside and atop already standing electrical transmission towers.
No new land needed
already set back from residences
Already connected to a power grid.
Already maintained by professionals
@kevinrns the cable voltage on the taller pylons is far too strong to interface easily with wind generators - but they could be more easily added to medium voltage towers (10-35 kV)
Please, if there are more hobbyist engineers who want to discuss amperage, wattage, and connection difficulties, perhaps this is a little early in the project.
The best part of the towers is theland underneath, the connections available to cities and other users, the distance setback from residences.
The object is not "hang fans from the cross bars and try to wire them in" - but re-engineer the locations for smart grids, transmission and generation, etc
@kevinrns the local DNO (Distribution Network Operator) in my area, UK Power Networks (covers most of the southern quarter of England) is already working on this. There are many "grid substation" sites which have both medium and high voltage connections (to the National Grid) where these schemes can be fairly easily implemented (or are already accepting power from local generation systems)
Terrific! Proof of concept. The job is engineering, the land available, the situation of the land suitable to the task, already integrated into engineering and power sectors and communities.
Thanks very much for your post and link.
@kevinrns as cursed as LinkedIn is, if you follow UKPN on there there are often detailed articles and links about all the smart grid projects, there's also open data maps so you can see exactly where the low, medium and high voltage cables and substations are in the whole district and where new infrastructure could be added (at least at present there are no security risks with sharing this data online)
Its very kind and useful of you provide real information atop my blurt of generalized, "lets get these things done."
Let's get these things done.
Bill McKibbon saw the scramble for oil as Russia attacked Ukraine, saw the policy discussions on the oil crisis it caused and said "instead reduce oil need by massively funding heat pumps!"
It worked, it became central to Biden's big climate push.
Lets all keep discussing saving the world. Its helping.
Construction of new high structures next to HV lines is an OHS nightmare, adding wind turbines "on top" of HV pylons is a non-starter.
(Personally, I can't wait for materials science to get good enough that we can put up floating wind turbines in the jet stream, but I'm not sure the technological civilisation can survive long enough on an overheated planet to reach this stage)