#art #history: sometimes it's nice to draw someone just because her mug is so bloody marvellous...but debbie harry (born #otd in 1945) is much more than a pretty face.
although she made her debut in miami, she's more strongly identified with the big apple. her adoptive parents were from new jersey, you see, so she grew up there & escaped to NYC in 1965. [short thread - &, yes, i DID have to do multiple variations!]
#debbieHarry #portrait #illustration #music #blondie #newWave #punk
@kathimmel She's a good person, and also objectively the most beautiful human to ever live.
@erosdiscordia i know, eh? i don't even begrudge her because she also loves cats, gives a shit about the climate crisis & somehow remains humble. if i outlive her, i'll cry when she goes.
@erosdiscordia <3
hope life is being good to you.
@kathimmel It is. Hope yours is going well too.
@erosdiscordia as good as can be expected in a collapsing world, really. i'm very lucky.