Mozilla CEO made around 7 million USD last year, but hosting bills are pending. Now, they updated the ToS, and you can't watch p0rn, or your data will be sold, or they no longer care about the orignal mission, etc. Once again, we see C-suits lose their grip on reality. As long as they are getting paid in millions, software projects can go to /dev/null. It is like they want to ruin the project on purpose. There is no other explanation I can think of. Can you?
@nixCraft friggin a. How can we incentivize suits and shareholders to care about long term health and sustainability instead of short term gains?
If the #CEO position had a term limit and had to be a worker before and after being ceo and the employees all voted for a president each year or two... Oh wait that's a #coop not a #corp
Good question. Both have internal democratic processes, but with coops that process encompasses the entire organization hierarchy, all the way up to owners and executives. With unions its more of a competition thing. And union management's interests aren't always 100% aligned internally.