@cstross I can't find Season of Skulls on tor.com . It redirects to reactormag.com (an SF magazine) in the US. And their search engine is bollocks. https://reactormag.com/?s=season+of+skulls+by+stross
@hobs reactormag.com is the renamed tor.com. They rebranded a week or two ago.
Tor.com *publishing*, the book publisher, didn't change its name and still exists but you won't find it via reactormag.com.
Thank you! Looks like your profile has the old link, so you're shadow banning yourself ;-)
@hobs There is no link in my profile—Tor.com is the name of the publishing imprint, it *was* also the name of the online magazine run by the same company (Macmillan), the latter got changed to reactormag.com.
@cstross cool. The search bar in my browser (and I imagine most readers) interpret it as a url and so your book was hidden from me (I loath Amazon and will spend all day to find an alternative, even if the publisher doesn't care for direct sales). Thanks for pointing me to the correct URL (https://torpublishinggroup.com/season-of-skulls/). The publisher is losing book sales with that rebranding and lack of sharing between their 2 skizophrenic search indexes.
BTW I love love love #Accelerando, the deep thinking and prescience about #posthuman #psychology (#Neuralink #augmentation) #democracy and #economics2.0. Manfred infected me with his "20 ideas before breakfast every day"