Got some time to kill before heading off for a walk on the beach (weather is stunning today!), so thought i'd look into what "Vibe Coding" is.
I already hate it, based purely on the name. But seems like AI isn't going anywhere, and should at least see what the fuss is about.
A friend sent me this; seems like a good place to start
To really lean in, I'm thinking that I might ask an LLM how to get started with it
Straight into using Cursor. Lets download that, and give it a go.
Cool, got it to create an entire Svelte Weather app in a few seconds.
Did it work? No.
Did it install a load of extra junk that wasn't explained or actually needed? Yep!
Honestly Vibe Coding might be one of the most damaging things to the Software industry that I've seen in a fair while.
Oh wow:
If you're still seeing issues, we might need to try a different approach. Let's try creating a fresh SvelteKit project with Tailwind CSS using the official SvelteKit create command with the Tailwind
Wow, thanks #cursor. The last 10 minutes (and god knows how much compute power) was wasted on that slop.
I honestly *can* see that AI could be helpful with really simple / monotonous tasks, like creating unit tests to help you describe what code you're going to write.
But would I let it write this code? Just no. This is terrible.
@hazz223 Absolutely right I’ve been using Windsurf for a project of mine. It’s fine for asking basic questions of, or getting it to write functions, provided I know what it’s doing. Just letting it run off the hook and write a whole app? Fuck no, it ties itself in knots.