Hi hi, @Natsura , @netkitty , and all the others frends! I don't really know what's happening with my old instance (fimidi.com) but it seems like it's going down :/
It's been some time since I wanted to move somewhere else (I'd rather be on a small instance than on a big one, not that mstdn.social is bad, sorry @stux , but biiiiig communities are just usually not my kind of stuff :3)
so, I moved here for now, I don't know if I'm gonna move somewhere else soon, or not (probably not, I'm way too lazy), so here I am!
std::cout << "Hello, mstdn.social!\n";
I might stay, after all!
also, I might be preparing a surprise, who knows what it'll be?
All I can say is Weasley put his... paw into the work, if I may phrase it like that